Chapter 47 - Secrets and Schemes

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Elizabeth appeared on a hill overlooking a large village. The sun was just below the horizon, and vibrant lights behind them cast long shadows down the hillside. Cheerful music and chatter filled the air, creating a welcoming atmosphere of celebration and excitement. Elizabeth glanced around for Ominis, but instead found Sebastian standing beside her, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Well," he said, "We made it."

The crack of an apparition split the air, and Elizabeth spun to see Ominis several feet away, his nose nearly a tree. He swayed for a brief moment, getting his bearings, then reached out and patted the rough bark fondly.

"I do enjoy a good welcoming committee," Ominis said wryly.

Elizabeth giggled and said, "I didn't realize you'd found a date for tonight."

"Well, he always did have a way with the ladies," Sebastian said with a smirk. "Even when they're a bit wooden."

"Wooden? Hardly," Ominis scoffed. "My arboreal friend here is far more fun to be with than the two of you."

Elizabeth shook her head, smiling, and turned towards the warmly lit pavilion behind them, scanning the crowd inside. Interspersed in the party goers were several people wearing Ashwinder masks. She glanced at Sebastian and raised an eyebrow. His eyes flicked over the crowd as well, then he shook his head at her - he didn't see anything of note. They weren't real.

Aloud, he said, "Ah, there's Aria and Penny."

Elizabeth spotted them as well, both girls dressed in rich black robes. The two were surrounded by a group of friends and well-wishers, practically glowing with pride and happiness. Sebastian took Elizabeth's hand in his and led the way towards their friends, weaving through the crowd with Ominis following close behind them.

"Aria! Penny!" Elizabeth called out, grinning as they neared. "Congratulations on graduating! You both look absolutely radiant."

Aria beamed when she saw them and Penny flashed them a smile, but seemed absorbed in conversation with a tall red-headed boy.

"Thank you!" Aria said, "I'm so glad you were able to make it!"

"So," Ominis said, "Now that you're officially graduated, does that mean we can stop pretending to enjoy your company?"

Aria swatted Ominis' arm with a grin.

"Hardly - I didn't tell you about my new job, did I?"

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow and exchanged a glance with Sebastian.

"No, you didn't," Ominis said, sounding curious.

"Well," Aria drew it out, but seemed unable to contain her excitement. "You're looking at Hogwarts' new Library Aide!"

This sparked a mixture of surprise and excitment, and Elizabeth clapped her hands together with a gasp of delight. Sebastian chuckled and leaned in closer to Aria.

"Congratulations, Aria! That's fantastic," he said warmly. "I can't think of a better person for the job. The library will be in excellent hands - though I daresay my days of breaking in will be over now, won't they?"

"That they are, Sallow," Aria said with a snort, fingering her wand and eyeing him. "I know all your tricks."

Elizabeth couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease as she observed Aria and Sebastian's interaction. The familiarity in their banter, the way Sebastian looked at her - it stirred up an uncomfortable sensation. Elizabeth glanced at Sebastian, his eyes twinkling with fondness, and a knot tightened in her stomach. She slipped her hand back into his.

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