Chapter 53 - Money Troubles

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A/N: sorry, struggling with a title. I give up


When Elizabeth excused herself to get changed, Ominis took the opportunity to get ready for the day as well. It hadn't been a great start to the morning, not when he had to wake up to them flirting and Sebastian whispering sweet nothings to the girl Ominis... well. Not shackling her to himself was one thing, but having to listen to her with Sebastian was a whole other torture - one he wasn't sure he could endure much longer.

"Who are all these letters from?" Sebastian asked from somewhere near the kitchen.

"What, am I not allowed to write to my friends?" Ominis said, rolling his eyes.

There was a pause, and Ominis heard Sebastian approach.

"It's just an awfully suspicious thing to do when there's an Auror poking around," Sebastian hissed at him, much closer. "Speaking of - why didn't you tell me Silas stopped by yesterday?"

Ominis snatched his wand up with a sigh, pinpointing Sebastian's location. He stood a few feet away, and seemed to have his arms crossed.

"Sebastian," Ominis said levelly, "You were dead asleep yesterday. I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't even flutter an eyelid. Even when I broke a plate washing dishes - nothing. Short of beaming the thought into your head with legilimency, there was nothing I could have done."

"I see. How convenient," Sebastian sneered, but quietly so Elizabeth wouldn't overhear. "You really expect me to believe that? I find that rather hard to swallow, Ominis."

Ominis sighed, his patience wearing thin. "Believe what you want, Sebastian, but I did try."

"You already threatened to throw me in Azkaban once," Sebastian said, voice deadly as he stepped into Ominis' space. "How do I know you won't do it now?"

Ominis tapped Sebastian's head harmlessly with his wand and brushed past him towards the kitchen. If Sebastian wasn't going to start breakfast, someone had to.

"Because," Ominis said offhandedly, "You are my brother, in my eyes. Just like you don't want to lose Anne, I don't want to lose you." Ominis turned towards Sebastian, who had trailed him across the room. "Even if that means allowing... illegal things."

Saying it aloud made Ominis' heart ache a little because it was all true, though he'd never expressed the sentiment to Sebastian before. He turned back to the counter, pulling out ingredients for breakfast. Sebastian stood behind him, silent, for several minutes.

"Brother," Sebastian repeated at last, his voice soft as if he were testing the word on his tongue, savoring its unfamiliar taste. "You've... never called me that before."

Ominis shrugged, trying to downplay the significance of his words. "Well, it's about time I acknowledged it, isn't it? What with all we've been through together."

"But, why?" Sebastian asked quietly, "After everything I've done, all the pain I've caused you?"

Ominis took a deep breath, leaving the ingredients to prepare themselves. So Sebastian did know he'd hurt Ominis. Had used and manipulated him, had yelled at and threatened him.

"You've had your own share of pain and suffering, Sebastian," Ominis said, "I know that deep down, buried beneath everything else, there's a part of you that still values our friendship."

"I do," Sebastian said, "Value you - our friendship... and now brotherhood, it seems."

Ominis could practically hear the smile creeping back into Sebastian's voice.

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