Chapter 86 - Setting Sail

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As soon as they materialized, unfamiliar sounds and smells slammed into Ominis' senses. Around them, people bustled and chattered, horses and carts rolled by, bells clanged, men shouted, seagulls cried, and below those louder sounds, there was the shuffle and clatter of goods being moved, the mechanical hum of steam engines, and the groaning of wood. Even below that, there was the distant sound of water. When he breathed in, he coughed. Though there was a cutting wind, the air was smoky - he could practically taste the coal and tar - but not enough to mask the fish and earthy brine that laced the air. There was also the overwhelming stench of humanity - quite the shift from the fresh, clean air of the highlands.

"Merlin," Ominis said, coughing again. "I'm guessing this is indeed the Harbor?"

Andrew also coughed when he drew a breath to reply, but when he got his breath, he said, "Yeah - it does look vaguely familiar."

"How reassuring," Sebastian said snidely from somewhere to Ominis' left.

"There's a sign over there that says 'Aberdeen Harbor Tavern', so I would assume we're in the right place," Elizabeth said, then sucked in a shaky breath. "My, this wind is unpleasant."

"Well, does everyone have all their fingers, toes, and other body parts?" Aria asked briskly, then continued without waiting for an answer. "We need to locate the..." Ominis heard parchment rustling. "The SS St. Sunniva."

"And how are we to do that?" Ominis asked.

More papers rustled.

"Ask someone," Aria said, as if it were obvious. "Right, come on you lot, I don't want to lose anyone yet."

"Yet?" Andrew asked.

"I'm sure I'll want to lose at least one of you at some point," Aria said, "Probably Sallow."

As Sebastian protested and they moved to follow Aria, Ominis' hand strayed habitually towards his pocket to draw his wand. But of course, he couldn't use that here. He sighed, reaching instead for the damnable muggle cane, but the soft touch of a hand halted him.

"Would you rather just take my arm?" Elizabeth asked tentatively. "There's quite a lot of debris on the ground, and I know you're not a fan of that cane."

Ominis hesitated a bare moment, torn between pride and ease of movement. And yet, the deciding factor was simply that he wanted to be close to her.

"Ah, thank you, Ellie," he said, offering his own arm out for her. "I appreciate it."

It was always a bit disorienting, forced to navigate unfamiliar ground without his wand. He felt detached from the world, unable to approximate where things lay, where people were. As Elizabeth linked her arm through his, however Ominis found that her touch was grounding, and remarkably warm. She provided a low, steady stream of guidance. She warned him of uneven footing, steps, and obstacles that might have otherwise tripped him up. Ominis couldn't help but smile to himself.

"Watch your step here, Ominis," she said softly as they navigated a particularly rough patch of ground. "And there's a grate just ahead."

He nodded, his grip on her arm tightening ever so slightly. The bustling chaos of the harbor seemed to fade into the background as he focused on Elizabeth's guidance. Her words became his anchor, and he found himself unconsciously matching his steps to hers.

"Ah! There it is," Aria called out after some time. "I knew that first fisherman was having us on. Elizabeth, lead the way."

Next to him, Elizabeth jerked to a stop, so Ominis halted as well.

"I - what?" Elizabeth asked, sounding bewildered. "Lead the way?"

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