Chapter 64 - Coins, Confusion, and Uncertain Cues

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After Ominis finished his lunch on Wednesday, he hardly needed to debate what to do with his free period. The professors were merciless this year, assigning homework nearly every class, and Ominis thanked his lucky stars that he hadn't stuck with many subjects. There was also the matter of Sebastian who, ever since waking him up over the weekend, had been sticking around annoyingly close, as if he thought that that would help Ominis forgive him - which he certainly didn't plan to do anytime soon. He never pushed for conversation, at least. Ominis had also noticed a distinct lack of Elizabeth, and wondered if, perhaps, they had fought and that was why Sebastian was clinging to his coattails again. So, as a combination of those factors, Ominis was off to the library to get some work done.

"Hey! Ominis!"

Ominis heard Andrew call after him in the halls, and he paused, waiting until he got closer to greet him.

"Hello Andrew," Ominis said with a smile.

"Where are you off to?" Andrew asked, not sounding a bit out of breath after jogging to catch up.

"The Library," Ominis said, "You'll never believe it, but I have some homework to do."

Andrew snorted. "Mind if I join? I've got some work I could stand to do too. Professor Weasley wasn't too happy with the quality of my last essay."

"Of course not," Ominis said, gesturing for Andrew to follow as he turned back towards the Library. "How were Quidditch tryouts? They were last night, right?"

"Well," Andrew sighed. "We've got a phenomenal new beater and keeper, I think, but Marjorie wasn't happy about being demoted to reserve keeper, and Claudia decided to drop out at the last minute, so I'll have to hold chaser tryouts next week too."

"Did Everett try out? I thought I heard him mention it."

"Yeah," Andrew said, voice a little tense. "He was out-performed for both positions, but I'm sure he'll be back for the chaser tryouts."

"Not a fan?"

Ominis grinned as Andrew was silent for a minute, struggling for words. Other than Sebastian, he didn't often speak ill of his peers.

"I just don't think he's a good fit for the team," Andrew said at last, sounding defeated.

"That's fair," Ominis offered. "I, for one, find him rather abrasive, and I will never understand what so many girls fawn over him for. Want me to make him miss tryouts?"

Ominis felt his grin widen, it had been a while since he'd gotten up to something fun. Thoughts of creative hexes and other tricks were already chasing each other through his mind.

"As a prefect," Andrew said haughtily, "I could never entertain such a request. But." He lowered his voice, and Ominis could hear the smile. "As a friend - yes, please."

Ominis chuckled. "It seems I'm a bad influence on you, Larson."

As he pushed open the door to the library, Ominis' wand showed him that it was still quite busy. He sighed, having hoped that the excitement of having the Aria Blackwell working in the library would have died down by now.

"See any free tables?" Ominis asked quietly.

"I do," Andrew said slowly, "But I also see Grace and Adelaide. Should we go sit with them?"

"Actually," Ominis said with a grimace, "I had wanted to talk with you about that... Let's grab a table first though."

There was a moment of suspicious silence before Andrew said, "Alright, but - Oh, hi Aria."

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