Chapter 10 - Brooms and Bouquets

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By the end of the week, Elizabeth and Sebastian were both swamped with homework, and Ominis seemed to take great pleasure in lording his much lighter workload over them. Saturday morning, Elizabeth noticed Larson was absent from the Great Hall, and she guessed he was probably already down at the pitch. Larson had been pestering her all week about trying out, and she was just about ready to do what Ominis had suggested on Monday. But she was also resigned to keep her promise of at least watching.

On her way out of the Great Hall, she spotted Sebastian and Ominis emerging from the dungeons. Ominis was looking very sleepy still, and somewhat tousle haired.

"Good morning," she said.

"Morning," Ominis said, definitely still sounding sleepy.

She'd missed that morning voice of his.

"Hey Lizzie," Sebastian said, "Where are you off to so early?"

Elizabeth heaved a sigh. "The Quidditch pitch - I did promise -"

"You're joking," Ominis interrupted, sounding irritable. "You're really going?"

Elizabeth looked at him in surprise.

"Of course I am," she said.

Ominis scowled and stalked into the Great Hall, grumbling to himself. Sebastian looked perplexedly after him. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow, looking quizzically at Sebastian, who shrugged.

"He must just be hungry," he said, "Look, I was going to spend the day in the library. I haven't had much of a chance to work on finding a cure for Anne - care to join me? After Quidditch, of course."

"Sure," she said, "Ah - And I nearly forgot, I picked up some old books in Diagon Alley this summer I thought might be worth a look."

"Brilliant," Sebastian said, "Bring those too then."

He waved to her as he headed into the Great Hall. Elizabeth caught a glimpse of Ominis shooing some first-years away from his usual spot at the Slytherin table as the door closed behind Sebastian.

It was a brisk morning, and slightly overcast. A perfect day for flying, if not a bit chilly. Elizabeth hadn't brought her broom. She really didn't plan on trying out - Quidditch practice would simply take up too much of her time. There were others heading towards the pitch as well, brooms in hand.

Larson waved to her as she entered the stadium, indicating she should join him. He was standing with what Elizabeth assumed to be the existing members of the team: a wiry third year, a large fifth year, and a seventh year Elizabeth vaguely recognized.

"Elizabeth," Larson said, "This is Althea Rivers, Hugo Longbottom, and Felix Danvers. Althea is our seeker, and Hugo and I are chasers, and Felix is one of our beaters."

"Nice to meet you," Elizabeth said to the group.

Larson's face fell as he surveyed her. "You didn't bring your broom."

"I told you, Andrew," Elizabeth said with a sigh, "I don't want to lose time to practices."

Larson groaned comically. "See, this is the trouble with Ravenclaw."

Elizabeth pursed her lips.

The seventh year, Felix Danvers, clapped Larson on the back.

"You'll have to excuse him," Felix said, "He was really hoping you'd join us. We've all heard about your times on those flying trials last year."

Elizabeth smiled ruefully. "I really am sorry, I might have considered it if I hadn't picked up two new subjects. I have enough to be getting on with as it is."

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