Chapter 40 - Rally

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Mary leaned heavily on Sebastian's shoulder as they walked through the Ashwinders. She was tense and shaking, and something was wrong with one of her ankles, slowing them down. Sebastian cursed under his breath - Lizzie had to have a plan, right? Some destructive ancient magic that she just needed them out of the way for? He would just get Mary out of sight, then he'd go back to help.

As they stepped onto the boardwalk, Sebastian kept his voice low and asked, "Mary, are you okay?"

She opened her mouth as though to speak, but her chest gave a little hitch and no sound came out. She shook her head. Sebastian could see the panic in her eyes and knew she wouldn't be able to speak. He glanced back, the figures behind them now obscured in the fog.

"I'm going to leave you here for a minute," Sebastian whispered to Mary, ignoring the fear that clouded her eyes at his words. "I have to go back for -"

He was cut off as the air around them was once again rent with the sound of multiple people apparating. Sebastian's grip on Mary loosened as he instinctively reached for his wand, prepared for the impending danger. Mary clung to him desperately, her fear palpable in her trembling grip. Sebastian disarmed the first Ashwinder that appeared, his wand slicing through the air with precision. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a second flying back into the mist and out of sight. He was in the process of casting Incendio at a third man, when the remaining dozen Ashwinders finished materializing and the onslaught began. Sebastian threw his entire might into raising a shield around himself and Mary. Sebastian clenched his jaw, trying to think of a way out while maintaining the shield against the Ashwinder's spells and ignoring Mary latched onto him. Should he attempt disapparation? The Ashwinder's warning about the area being charmed echoed in his mind, casting doubt on the feasibility of such an escape.

Before he could decide, one of the Ashwinders cast Bombarda, blasting apart the walkway and sending them crashing into the murky shallows of the swamp below. Splintered debris and shards of wood assailed Sebastian's body, piercing his skin as he landed amidst the rubble. He scrambled back to his feet, wand up and ready, teeth gritted against the pain. He blocked a spell that was aimed straight for his head. Where was Mary? He glanced around, and his distraction cost him. Sharp agony lanced across his shoulder as an Ashwinder's Diffindo caught him from behind, spinning him off balance. He blocked another spell wildly, there were just too many and he couldn't regain his stance, his feet were sticking and slipping in the mud. From the corner of his eye, he saw a red spell streaking towards him. He tried to block, but too slowly. The stunning spell caught him in the side, and everything went black.

Sebastian's eyes flew open as someone cast Renervate on him. He felt ropes digging into his wrists, which were bound behind him and a mirthless chuckle escaped his lips. Bloody brilliant. The finely dressed Ashwinder that had had Mary captive stood above him, his wand trained on Sebastian as he sat up. And beyond, leaning against the doorway...

"Professor Yaxley," Sebastian said cooly, "Can't say I'm surprised to see you here. So, who are you, really?"

Yaxley laughed, delighted, before surveying him with her piercing gaze.

"Mr. Sallow," she said, "I thought you might have suspected. I'm Selina Rookwood. But, now that you're awake, enjoy your solitude."

She waved blithely as she strode off down the hall, the man trailed after, shutting the door behind them. Without the firelight from the hall, Sebastian found himself enveloped in darkness so complete he couldn't see a thing. Fantastic. Captured. The memory of Mary clinging to him like a frightened animal sparked a flicker of irritation within him. How was he supposed to take on that many opponents with her desperate dependence weighing him down? He ached all over from the Bombara blast subsequent fall, and his shoulder pulled at the gash there painfully whenever he moved.

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