Chapter 43 - Shadows of Doubt

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Ominis stewed as he ate breakfast alone at the Slytherin table Monday morning. He didn't trust Sebastian as far as he could throw him these days, and Sebastian really had nothing to back up his story besides a supposedly unsigned letter that he hadn't even let Ominis read. Looking back, Ominis was furious with himself for not insisting he go with them. All he knew for certain was that something had panicked Elizabeth Saturday evening, then Sebastian had returned both girls broken and bruised Sunday morning.

No matter how he looked at it, Ominis couldn't seem to fit the pieces together. Namely why the Rookwood gang would go after Elizabeth. He'd heard she'd had some run-ins with them and their leader while they'd been working for Ranrok. The only thing he could think was that it was retribution for her defeat of Ranrok, but whenever Elizabeth had spoken of them, she'd never made the two groups sound particularly close. No, he was missing something. Or Sebastian was lying, and Ominis wouldn't put it past him.

Or perhaps he was just looking for an excuse, something to cling to to explain why Elizabeth had said she... said she loved that monster. Yes, once he'd thought he was okay stepping aside, that her being with Sebastian would at least keep her near, but... He should have known how Sebastian's feelings would twist. Ever since Anne was cursed, Sebastian had been spiraling, one obsession to the next. He knew Elizabeth could see it too, which was why he knew something was wrong. A bare week ago, Ominis had had to break her heart, and his own along with. Elizabeth had barely forgiven Sebastian for everything at the start of term with Larson. So unless he was much mistaken... Sebastian and Aria both said it was Elizabeth's mind, Sebastian claiming from torture. But Sebastian was a liar, and Aria didn't know of Sebastian's knowledge of the Dark Arts.

Even as he picked at his breakfast, Sebastian's words rang in Ominis' ears. She's mine, and I won't allow anyone else to lay a finger on her. He'd staked his claim, one she'd done nothing to refute. If you force yourself on her, you'll only push her away. He'd tried to warn Ominis away, twisting his own words. Sebastian thought he was clever - he was clever - but he always underestimated Ominis. And, he might not be able to overpower Sebastian - magically or otherwise - but he knew Sebastian. He'd play along for now, find out exactly what Sebastian did to the girls. Keep an eye on them, make sure they stayed safe. Even if listening to Elizabeth and Sebastian whispering together in the middle of the night made him want to be sick.

In Arithmancy, Sebastian neatly placed himself between Ominis and Elizabeth. As Professor Ketteridge lectured, Sebastian whispered to Ominis.

"Ketteridge keeps glancing at us," he said under his breath.

"Well, you look like you've been subjected to a meat tenderizer," Ominis whispered back dryly.

"And how do you know that?"


"I see."

"I don't."

It was just habit, this banter with Sebastian. Ominis' mind was straying away from the Arithmancy lecture - what if the Professors asked questions? Would Sebastian go to Azkaban this time? Could Ominis send Sebastian to Azkaban? He searched his soul, just as he had after Solomon's death, and found that, surprisingly, the answer was still no.

As they left Arithmancy together, they turned towards the Potions classroom. Only Sebastian had Potions, of course, but Elizabeth was sticking by Sebastian's side, and Ominis was sticking by hers.

"This is absurd," Sebastian finally snapped. "Why are you both following me like little ducks?"

"Because you saved me," Elizabeth said flatley.

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