Chapter 92: Past & Repast

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Aria made a rude gesture to accompany her curse, producing both the moment Sebastian swung the door shut behind them.

"Aria!" Andrew said, startled at her outburst.

"What?" Aria demanded, turning to glare at him too. "You heard him. Who the hell does he think he is?" She pulled a face, mimicking Sebastian's words. "'You aren't coming and that's final.' What an obtuse, insufferable, egotistical git."

Andrew was torn between amusement and disbelief, and as Maren roared with laughter next to him, he decided a small chuckle wouldn't hurt. Sebastian certainly had a way of riling her up. Aria threw the two of them a rather indignant look that quelled their laughter.

Maren leaned closer to Andrew to whisper, "I like her," in Norwegian.

He shook his head to hide his small smile before taking a deep breath and looking back at Aria, who glowered at him.

"You're not wrong," Andrew said placatingly. "He was out of line. I don't doubt he's stressing about his sister, but he shouldn't have taken it out on you."

Aria rolled her eyes. "If he's so worried about his sister, you'd think he'd be glad we're here to help, but I have yet to even hear a single 'thank you'. It wouldn't hurt him to have a shred of basic manners."

Maren sat forward, glancing between them, her brow furrowed.

"Why is he worried about his sister?" She asked.

Andrew cleared his throat, unsure what to say, as Sebastian seemed to keep it all rather close to his chest. Aria, however, shrugged and gestured at him to go on.

"She was cursed," he said, hesitating before he continued. "It was about two years ago, I think. She's been deteriorating ever since."

Maren's expression grew more confused at this explanation.

"And... that is why he wanted to see Gregorovitch?" She asked slowly. "But he is a wandmaker, I don't understand."

Andrew shrugged, looking to Aria for help. She shifted awkwardly. Neither of them were truly in the loop with any of this.

"It's... complicated," Aria said, waving her hand vaguely. "We don't have all the details ourselves. Sebastian found some spell that he thinks needs to be cast by a wand specifically from Gregorovitch, or something."

Maren's brow furrowed deeper, but when she saw that they had nothing more to offer she sighed and sat back, drawing her legs up onto the couch.

"And you are both helping with this?" She asked, inquisitively. "Are you also close with his sister?"

Andrew shrugged again. "She was in my year at Hogwarts, but in a different house. I didn't know her well before, but I have been with them to visit her a few times at St. Mungo's."

When Maren turned to Aria for her answer, Andrew was surprised to see Aria make a brief face that showed borderline disapproval.

"No," Aria said simply. "We weren't close."

Unable to resist digging a little, Andrew asked, "Did you... not like her?"

Aria sighed. "No, that's not it. I hardly knew her. It's just... her pranks. I always found them to be rather... too much. Remember the sneezing powder? That was just unbearable."

Andrew had to think back, but then he did recall the sneezing powder. A week at the beginning of third year when the corridors had been filled with the stuff. He vividly remembered a pissed-off Imelda Reyes trying to cuss out the then-Slytherin team captain in the entrance hall for canceling practice. She had sneezed so violently mid-tyrade that she'd given herself a nosebleed.

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