Chapter 85: A Farewell

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Sleep deprived editing


The month leading up to the winter holidays went quickly, as most of the seventh years' free time was taken up with homework. Most of the professors had issued warnings that the workload would increase in the spring term, and Elizabeth couldn't fathom how any of them would be able to fit more homework into their schedules. She and Sebastian kept their space, as they had agreed on, and while it did hurt, and she missed her study partner, she knew it was for the best. She spent a good deal of time with Ominis, which also meant a surprising amount of time with Garreth, Poppy, Grace, and Adelaide. However, Ominis split his time between her and Sebastian, which she appreciated on Sebastian's behalf. When she wasn't with Ominis, she would have spent time with Andrew, and she did to some extent, but he spent the majority of his free time on the Quidditch pitch, making sure his team would be ready for the match against Slytherin when the spring term started. So, Elizabeth spent a surprising amount of time in the library with Aria. Aria, of course, had her job keeping her busy, but she still made time, which Elizabeth couldn't thank her enough for.

The Monday before the winter Holidays found Elizabeth parked at a table in the Library - one near the front desk. Aria flitted by, periodically stopping for a chat before moving off to help someone or return a book to its shelf. Ominis sat across the table, not working on homework for once, but trying to make a list of everything they'd need to pack.

"Is it worth taking any potion ingredients?" He mused.

"Are you planning on bringing a cauldron too, then?" Elizabeth asked with a snort.

Ominis chuckled, tapping his quill against the parchment. "Well, I was thinking more along the lines of basic supplies - dittany and the like."

"I've already got a few vials of Essence of Dittany packed," Elizabeth said, leaning on her own, forgotten, Ancient Runes homework. "I've also bundled up muggle outfits for you lot, so there's no confusion about what goes with what."

Ominis paused, then smiled and shook his head. "You're amazing, you know that?"

Elizabeth felt herself blush at his tone, but she tried to push it down.

"Just don't forget to bring robes and your cloak for once we're there," she said, clearing her throat.

Ominis scratched out a note on the paper, a small smile still hanging around his lips. "I'll make a note. What about your tent? Might be worth bringing, just in case."

"Good thought," Elizabeth said, making a note of her own to remember to pack it.

As they continued to create their list, snow began to drift down outside the castle windows. They'd had a few snowstorms since the beginning of the month, but most had been wet, ugly things. This looked much more peaceful, and Elizabeth felt her eyes drawn to the blinding white as they worked. Aria eventually made another reappearance, dropping into a chair at their table and tossing a piece of parchment onto the desk.

"I found a photograph of Aberdeen Harbor," Aria said, gesturing to the image. "I feel much more comfortable apparating there with that."

"Ah, thank you Aria," Ominis said, sarcasm heavy in his voice. "That certainly makes things so much easier."

"Oh hush," she said, "You can do side-along apparition with someone else."

Ominis wrinkled his nose but let it drop. Elizabeth pulled the photograph over, looking at the two smiling people in it. Behind them was part of a building and some piers, then a stretch of water with more of the same on the other side. Having a place to visualize would certainly make their apparating there a lot safer, more precise.

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