Chapter 29 - The Breaking Point

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Andrew Larson (Surprise!)

Andrew made his way to Charms early on Wednesday morning. Part of him hoped to run into Elizabeth before class, as it was always pleasant to chat with her. But, the other part of him... things had been tense between them lately. Elizabeth wanted to know what was happening with him and Sallow and he knew she wanted to help, but he also knew that admitting the truth would be tantamount to letting Sallow win. It was so embarrassing that he could do nothing to stop Sallow.

Andrew had always been well-liked. He excelled at Quidditch, performed well in his classes, and had been on friendly terms with most students. Now, however, it seemed like everything was falling apart. He couldn't concentrate in class, he lost his temper more often, and, worst of all, he found himself the subject of whispers as he walked through the halls. Andrew was constantly on edge, never knowing when he would be hexed. And it was all due to Sallow.

Andrew couldn't fathom why Elizabeth was friends with Sallow. He was rude and pushy with her, never respecting her wishes. There was also something about Sallow - even before all of this - that had always unsettled Andrew. A spark in his eyes - a dangerous cunning and a drive that reminded Andrew of some of the wizards his father had put behind bars. What bothered Andrew most was how isolated Sallow seemed, though not in a pitiable manner, but as if he were standing alone in the eye of a storm. Sallow's parents had died when he was young, his sister had become so ill that she had to leave school, and now his uncle had passed away abruptly and with little explanation. But here he was, still at school and standing tall, right as rain. Yet, everyone loved him, and no one else seemed to see these things. Before, Andrew had put all of this out of his mind, as he rarely interacted with Sallow. But now...

Now Sallow seemed to be coming for his throat. Simply because Andrew had asked Elizabeth out. Elizabeth obviously didn't reciprocate Sallow's feelings, but that didn't deter him in the slightest. Andrew felt guilty when he thought about Elizabeth. They had been dating for four months, and he loved her. But lately, things had been different between them. Difficult. They were both unhappy, and it was all Sallow's fault. Andrew was horrified the thought had even occurred to him, but sometimes, late at night, he couldn't help but wonder if it would be better for them both if he ended things. Elizabeth had been down and miserable lately, and Sallow's constant torment left Andrew feeling helpless. Yet, he didn't want to let her go. She was an incredible person, and he genuinely enjoyed being around her.

Andrew entered the Transfiguration courtyard, shivering as a gust of January wind ripped through his cloak. Ahead, he saw Sallow trailing behind a group of third years, coming out of the door to the central hall. Andrew's heart sank. Speak of the Devil. It was like fate was determined to throw them together. He looked at the ground, hoping to walk past without making eye contact, but Sallow had other plans.

"If it isn't my second favorite Ravenclaw," Sallow said, his voice cutting through the frigid air. "What are you sulking for? You look like a kicked crup."

Andrew took a deep breath before turning to face him.

"Ah, Sallow," Andrew said, forcing a polite smile that faded quickly. "No, quite the opposite. I was trying to do you a favor - I know for a fact you're supposed to be in History of Magic right now. How about... ten points from Slytherin?"

Sallow's expression darkened.

"Well, that's me beat then, isn't it. Whatever will I do - ten points from Slytherin." Sallow stepped closer, lowering his voice, a smirk playing on his lips. "From your mood, can I take it that things aren't going well between you and my dear Lizzie?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but we're doing just fine, despite your best efforts."

"See now, I heard that you two were arguing in the common room the other evening," Sallow said, his smirk turning into an icy smile. "After she spent the day with me."

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