Chapter 108: Never Odd or Even

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Sebastian learned that Andrew told his father he thought Sebastian was innocent, and Andrew promised to make sure his father dropped his suspicions regarding Sebastian, telling him to keep his nose clean, in a friendly way. Then, the crew attended Mary's birthday party at Leander's house. Mary revealed she'd gotten a job as a maid, and asked Elizabeth to get an apartment with her that summer, and Elizabeth agreed. We also learned that Anne will be returning to school on February first. Elizabeth learned, at dinner, that Leander had become a patron of her orphanage, and Mary accused him (fondly) of having more money than sense. Speaking of having more money than sense, Leander's birthday gift to Mary was "Tuition" for whatever she wished to study, wherever (This is more meaningful, honestly, if you've read "Falling through Letters" imo). The chapter ended with the crew chatting about Anne's return, planning, only to be interrupted by Albus asking for Ominis' help.


"I was wondering if I could maybe ask you for some help?"

"Oh! Albus," Ominis said, recognizing the boy's voice. "My apologies. Of course you can - what's the matter?"

There was a brief pause and he could hear the boy shift nervously, his robes rustling.

"Well... It's my brother," he said, voice small. "My mum sent me a letter this morning - she said he ran away and she can't find him, but -" Albus paused to take a deep breath. "I think I know where he is, and if he is there... mum will be furious and I just..."

Ominis frowned as Albus trailed off, confused as to what he was asking.

"Are you asking us to tell your mum where he is?"

"Actually, I was hoping you could... just... go see if he's there and... send him home if he is?"

The kid sounded so hopeful, but Ominis hesitated. He wanted to help, but alone, he likely wouldn't be much help in looking for a child he didn't even know, and he certainly couldn't drag his friends along...

"Well, we do have the morning free," Sebastian said, cutting into his thoughts. "I'd be happy to help."

"As would I," Elizabeth said, nudging Ominis.

Right - Ominis had to stifle a smile. They'd never turn down an adventure, he should have known.

"It's settled then," Ominis said, rubbing his arm where Elizabeth had elbowed him. "Where is it we're looking, exactly?"

"Remember that old house I told you about when term started?" Albus said, and Ominis could hear the relief in his voice. "It's just the next street over from our house - I think he's there. Before the holidays ended, he kept wanting to go back, but mum said we weren't allowed. It was like he was obsessed with it."

"You live in Godric's Hollow, right?"

"Yeah! So, it's on -"

"Hang on," Sebastian said, interrupting once more. "Why don't you just come with us?"

"Really?" Albus said, now sounding rather excited.

"Sebastian," Ominis said, rolling his eyes. "He's a first year - they're not allowed to leave the grounds."

"What?" Sebastian said defensively. "It'll probably take us ages on our own - he knows the area."

"But he's got classes," Elizabeth said, sounding aghast. "He can't just skive off."

"I don't mind - it's double History of Magic," Albus said under his breath, so quietly Ominis almost missed it.

"Listen, if it was Anne missing, I'd want to go look for her myself," Sebastian said. "Skipping a few classes won't hurt him, and Ominis - I vividly remember you sneaking off to Hogsmeade at least twice our first year."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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