Chapter 17 - The Cursed and The Cautious

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"Se... bas...tian..." Elizabeth gasped out.

As his fingers tightened on her neck, her eyes darted to Ominis, desperately hoping for... anything. Ominis was frozen, looking horrified.

"Marvolo says hello," Sebastian said, his voice flat. "Give me the ring, and I won't hurt your little protector."

Sebastian's eyes were blank. Elizabeth recognized it - she knew what it was. She fought for enough air to let Ominis know. She had to let Ominis know - he couldn't see the look on Sebastian's face.

"Sebastian?" Ominis said, "What are you doing - let her go."

Elizabeth saw Sebastian's eyes roll, eyelids fluttering. His fingers loosed fractionally, some more than others.


Was all she could get out before Sebastian's grip tightened again. Her vision swam. Her ears were ringing. Goddamn it Ominis.

"The ring, Ominis," Sebastian said, voice still emotionless, "Otherwise she and I are in trouble."

Elizabeth was scratching her own skin, trying to pry Sebastian's fingers off. She tried to kick at him. She struggled and squirmed, but his grip was like iron. Suddenly, air came flooding back in. Sebastian was reeling backwards, teeth gritted. Elizabeth dropped to her knees, hands on her own throat.

"No, I won't," Sebastian snarled.

He was fighting the curse.

"Stun him, Ominis," Elizabeth rasped out.

Ominis' wand was shaking.

"Ominis," Elizabeth tried to shout it at him.

He was frozen, Elizabeth could see the panic in his eyes. Sebastian's face snapped back to its empty look, and he calmly pointed his wand at Elizabeth where she sat on the ground.

"Last time I'll ask nicely," Sebastian said, "The ring, please."

His expression twitched, and Elizabeth could tell he was still fighting it. She fumbled in her own pocket for her wand. Just as her hand closed on it, Sebastian moved.



Ominis' spell sent Sebastian crumpling to the ground, but a second too late. There was a flash of momentary pain, so intense and brief that Elizabeth shrieked.

The next thing she knew, she was slumped against the wall, gasping for breath. She blinked dancing black spots out of her vision. Ominis was kneeling next to her, his face a pale mask of worry.

"Ellie," he said, his voice panicked. "Ellie, are you okay?"

She shook her head, still trying to catch her breath. Her throat was raw and sore, inside and out. Her entire body was aching.

"It wasn't... as bad... as before... just... a shock..." She panted.

There were already footsteps running towards them. Ominis stood, wand at the ready. Sirona appeared at the top of the stairs, a small group of the pub's patrons behind her.

"What happened?" She asked, coming closer. "Are you kids okay?"

Ominis stood, facing her.

"Sirona - thank Merlin. Sebastian... He's been Imperiused. I... don't know what to do. I stunned him."

Sirona turned to the patrons who had followed her out.

"Thorne - Run and fetch Garnuff," she said, then turned back. "Is Miss Smith okay?"

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