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"Good afternoon, ma'am." Jisoo said after he entered the room.

"Good afternoon! Please take a seat. I need to speak with you and another student. So sit tight until he arrives." The headmistress said with a smile.

"Okay." Jisoo said, showing his famous (fake) smile.

"Why the hell am I here?" None other than Lee Seokmin said while entering the room.

"Have a seat." The headmistress said, Seokmin sighing in annoyance but still doing as told.

"I bet you two are wondering why I gathered you here today." She started.

"Yes, and please get on with it. I have places to be." Seokmin said while rolling his eyes.

"Lee Seokmin, you have quite the attitude. You're rarely in class, you either miss test or you fail them, and you're bringing down our school with you. Hong Jisoo, you're our most prized student. To put it shortly, you're the perfect student." The headmistress said.

"Hong Jisoo, you're our most prized student." I expected I'd be happier hearing that. After all, it was my parents' dream- I mean my dream for this to happen. Maybe I'm just being ungrateful. Jisoo thought.

"What does any of this have to do with me? We get it, he's fucking perfect and I'm a fuck up. Was that all?" Seokmin asked, slightly clenching his fists.

"I guess I'll cut to the chase. From now on, Seokmin, Jisoo will be your mentor and tutor. Jisoo, you could've graduated last year if you wanted to, so instead of attending your core classes, you will be solely making sure Seokmin does what he's supposed to." She said.

"I DON'T NEED A FUCKING BABYSITTER!" Seokmin yelled, Jisoo slightly wincing in response.

"It's either that or you're expelled. You made the list, I'm guessing." Jisoo mumbled, Seokmin still hearing him clearly.

"The list? No way!" Seokmin protested.

The list.

It's where they gather the names of all the slackers of the school.

Crystal is a prestigious school, and loves nothing more than their reputation.

The students on the list are those who are damaging that reputation.

And if there is no improvement by the next 2 months or so after they are made aware of being on the list, they will be expelled.

It's happened many, many, times.

"Yes, you're on the list. And Jisoo is your only ticket to getting off of it." The headmistress said with a smirk.

"Guess I'm getting expelled." Seokmin said with a scoff.

"Jisoo, what are your thoughts? This will only happen if you agree. If not, Seokmin will expelled. And after this week, he will no longer be able to attend Crystal High school." The headmistress said, both of them looking to Jisoo for an answer.

No! He clearly doesn't believe in me, so I'm not gonna bust my ass for nothing! Jisoo thought, knowing full well what his answer would be.


"Why the fuck would you agree?! I don't want to do this!" Seokmin yelled while storming over to his lunch table, all his friends still there.

"I didn't have a choice. So please try to cooperate for the next 2 months." Jisoo said, attempting to flash a smile.

"The hell do you mean you had no choice?! You could've said no!" Seokmin said, Jisoo slightly scoffing.

"What the hell happened? And why is the Head Prefect here?" Mingyu asked, glaring at Jisoo.

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