][< F O R T Y </> O N E >][

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][ Monday: Week 4 ][

"What are we doing? About us officially breaking up?" Seungcheol asked, laying on Jisoo's couch.

"You act like we're celebrities or something. We just go to school. It's not rocket science." Jisoo said.





"You guys think Jeonghan was the homewrecker?"

"No. Seokmin was clearly the homewrecker."

Things at school had gotten a bit out of control.

"I told you we should've done something. At least posted it." Seungcheol said to Jisoo.

Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Jisoo, and Seokmin were currently in the prefect common room.

"You have a prefect common room? What the fuck?" Seokmin questioned.

"Babe, not right now." Jisoo said while getting out his phone, seeing him being tagged by basically the whole school.

After Jeonghan, Seungcheol, and Jisoo gave their speech encouraging scholarship students to do well on their tests, someone thought it was a good idea to do a Q&A.

Someone asked if Jisoo and Seungcheol were still together, to which they said no.

And then chaos ensued.

"What the hell? We should have fucking lied." Seungcheol said with a sigh.

"Choi Seungcheol, Hong Jisoo, Yoon Jeonghan...and Lee Seokmin. To my office." The Headmistress said on the speakers.

"All 4 of us?" Seokmin asked.

"Yeah. You haven't looked at your phone? People are having arguments on who was the homewrecker." Jeonghan said with a chuckle.

"It was me, but still. They're crediting Seokmin too much. Saying shit like he was secretly obsessed with Jisoo this whole time and seduced him. And then forced Jisoo to date him. It's a whole thing on the school page." Jeonghan said, Seungcheol glaring at him.

"What? They're still victimizing Jisoo, so it's fine. I'll just tell them I was the homewrecker. What's the big deal?" Jeonghan asked as they made it to the Headmistress' office.

"Just shut up, Hannie." Seungcheol said as Jisoo knocked on the door.

"Come in." They heard the Headmistress say.

"Ma'am I-"

"Zip it, Hong. Have a seat, you 4." She said, cutting Jisoo off.

"Explain the situation in full detail." The Headmistress said.

"Why should we? Not like it concerns you." Jeonghan said.

"What are you doing?!" Jisoo whisper-yelled.

"Excuse me?" The Headmistress asked.

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