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"Where the hell is that park?" Mingyu questioned, looking at the directions Jun quickly wrote down for him.

Not to mention the note was tear-stained, Jun's handwriting was trash, and the male's cigarette ash had gotten everywhere.

But it was worth it for Wonwoo.

Soon enough, Mingyu had found the damn park.

It looked like no one had been there in at least 200 years.

"I cannot believe I'm doing this. Going in this secluded ass park." Mingyu muttered while moving the creaky park gate and beginning his search for Wonwoo.

After a while of looking around, it seemed as if the park was exactly how it looked.


Mingyu was about to leave when he heard the sniffles of a familiar person.

He spotted a male on the bench and sighed while making his way to Wonwoo.

"W-why are you here?" Wonwoo asked, wiping his tears upon Mingyu's arrival.

"I talked to Jun." Mingyu said.

"You came all the way here to tell me you had a talk with someone we see every day?" Wonwoo asked.

"Wonwoo, Jun explained the whole situation. About what happened...at the party." Mingyu said.

"Oh." Wonwoo said, unsure of what the proper response would be.

It quickly grew awkwardly silent between the two, the only sound surrounding them being the slight breeze of the wind.

"Wonwoo...do you regret sleeping with Jun?" Mingyu asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Mingyu, of course I do. I wish I could've—no, I wish I would've done something to stop it. I hate the fact that I ruined what we had just for a stupid night I don't even remember. Gyu I'm so sorry. What I did was terrible. I completely respect whatever decision you make regarding us." Wonwoo said, his eyes becoming watery again.

Mingyu held Wonwoo's hand before scooting closer to him, somewhat startling the male.

"It hurt, Wonwoo. The fact that you slept with Jun of all people. But you're so important to me, I can't just abandon what we have. And I think you're truly sorry about what happened." Mingyu said.

"What does that mean?" Wonwoo asked, looking up at Mingyu.

"Yes...but no. I forgive you, but you still broke my trust. So I want to take things slow between us and rebuild that trust." Mingyu said.

Wonwoo smiled and nodded eargerly, pulling Mingyu in for a tight hug.

"I missed you so much." Wonwoo said, nuzzling his face into Mingyu's neck.

"I missed you too." Mingyu said, smiling and hugging Wonwoo even tighter.

The two soon pulled away, smiling ear to ear.

"Gyu, would kissing you be too much?" Wonwoo asked.

"Yes...but we'll start taking it slow tomorrow. So let's make the most of today." Mingyu said, Wonwoo climbing onto his lap.

Wonwoo pulled Mingyu in for an overflowingly passionate kiss, as if it were their last.

"I love you." Wonwoo said while resting his head on Mingyu's shoulder.

"I love you too, Wonwoo. I love you too." Mingyu said, smiling and rubbing circles on Wonwoo's back.


"Did I overreact with Jisoo? Maybe I'm just reading too much into shit. What if Jisoo was right? I'm just insecure- okay that's too far. I know I'm hot, what the hell do I have to be insecure about? But Chan isn't unattractive either. Ugh, maybe I just have a jealousy problem. What do you guys think?" Seokmin asked, currently pacing back and forth in Seungcheol's living room.

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