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"How are you holding up?" Jeonghan asked Seokmin.

"Alright, I guess. I mean, I've thought about it. I should trust him more. He technically hasn't done anything for me to be suspicious. Chan has, but Jisoo hasn't. I'm gonna try and apologize to him after school." Seokmin said, Jeonghan sighing.

"Whatever. Babe, are you alright?" Jeonghan asked Seungcheol, who was staring at Chan, Jisoo, and Hansol walk to the empty classroom.

"Huh? Yeah. I'm fine. Just lost in thought." Seungcheol said, which technically wasn't a lie.

He was lost in thought. He just didn't tell Jeonghan what about.

"What's bothering you?" Jeonghan asked while leaning his head on Seungcheol's shoulder.

"It's stupid. I'm overthinking something." Seungcheol said.

"You sure?"


"You're not gonna tell me even if I keep prying, are you?" Jeonghan asked with a sigh.

"You're so smart~" Seungcheol teased while pinching Jeonghan's cheek.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jeonghan asked while laughing.

"I don't know, baby. I think I'm crazy in love~" Seungcheol teased, Jeonghan fake gagging.

"Ew you're so corny. Have you been taking lessons from Mingyu or something?" Seokmin said with a look of disgust.

"Shut up, Seokmin. Don't be so jealous." Jeonghan said, chuckling and interlocking his hand with Seungcheol's.

"Who says I'm jealous?"

"Me. Duh." Jeonghan teased, Seokmin playfully rolling his eyes.

However, Hansol leaving the empty classroom caught the eye of Seungcheol.

That meant Chan and Jisoo were alone in the classroom.

It wasn't any of his business.

Maybe it was nothing.

And yet...

"Seokmin. Can you ask Jisoo if he has my charger? My phone is about to die." Seungcheol lied.

Jeonghan gave Seungcheol a subtle glare, since he had used his boyfriend's phone not too long ago and saw it was at 88%, but decided not to bring it up.

"Okay? Sure. Be right back." Seokmin said while standing up and walking to the empty classroom his boyfriend was in.

"Jisoo, Seungcheol asked if- WHAT THE FUCK?!"

What he didn't expect to see was his boyfriend kissing Chan, with Hansol nowhere in sight.

"Babe! It's not what it looks like!" Jisoo yelled after pulling away from the kiss.

"Seriously?! I was going to fucking apologize to you for not trusting you! And yet you're here making out with the person you told me not to worry about?! We're fucking done!" Seokmin yelled before leaving the classroom.

"What the fuck, Chan?! I'm so fucking nice to you, and this is how you repay me?! If you want to slut around, you fucking do that. But don't bring me into this shit." Jisoo said harshly.

"H-hyung. I'm so sorry. I- I don't know what came over me! I didn't mean to!" Chan said, tears streaming down his face.

"Was ruining Soonyoung's relationship not enough for you?! So now you have to fuck mine up?!" Jisoo yelled before leaving the room to attempt to get to Seokmin.

"Seokmin, what happened?" Jeonghan asked.

"He was making out with Chan when I walked in." Seokmin said.

"Seokmin! I promise it wasn't like that! He kissed me! You just walked in at a very bad time! Look, please, just-"

"Leave me alone, Jisoo! You called me insecure, but now look! Have fun with Chan, I guess." Seokmin said before scoffing and leaving the school.

Jisoo tried to follow him, but was stopped by Jeonghan.

"I can't believe you. Chan of all people? Leave him alone, Jisoo. I wouldn't want to talk to you either." Jeonghan said.

"Hannie." Jisoo said, his eyes extremely watery.

"Don't Hannie me. What the hell is wrong with you?! It's taking everything in me not to punch the shit out of you, Jisoo. Go home and I'll call you later. I promised that if you did something like this, I'd comfort Seokmin. I didn't think I'd actually need to." Jeonghan said while scoffing and leaving to follow Seokmin.

"Cheol." Jisoo whimpered.

Seungcheol sighed while shaking his head.

"You fucked up." Was all Seungcheol said before walking back to the empty classroom.

Leaving Jisoo alone in the lunchroom, crying his eyes out.

"Chan what the fuck did you do?!" Seungcheol yelled.

But something about the male was...off.

"Hyung...I....didn't....mean....to....was....an...accident." Chan said, seeming to be spaced out but... trying to snap back into reality.

"What the fuck?" Seungcheol muttered.

Chan's face was bright red, he was sweating, his pupils were dilated, and his breathing was extremely uneven.

"Chan? You alright?" Seungcheol asked while getting out his phone.

"It was an accident, I swear! Hyung, it's so hot. And it hurts. Everything hurts."

Seungcheol pressed record.

"Chan, what happened?" Seungcheol asked.

"I- I don't know! I was h-hot and hyung was feeling my forehead! It wasn't me! It couldn't have been me! I never wanted to do that to him!" Chan yelled, his body trembling as he cried more.

"Hyung, my head hurts. It all hurts." Chan cried pathetically.

Seungcheol was frozen.

The younger was obviously on something.

But what was it that had him this fucked up?

"Chan c-calm down. Come on." Seungcheol said while stopping the video and grabbing Chan's wrist.

Seungcheol dragged Chan to his prefect room before pushing the male onto the couch inside.

"Go to sleep, Chan. You'll feel better when you wake up." Seungcheol said, unable to think of what else to do.

"Jisoo hyung, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry." Chan said, eventually crying himself to sleep.

Seungcheol grabbed his phone and sat on the floor.

Something wasn't right about this.

Chan was on something- something bad.

Jeonghan had to know about this.



kinda short chapter-

but i mean AHHHHHHH the seoksoo drama🤭🤭🤭

i cannot wait!!!

Anyways questions:

1. favorite song you recently discovered?

2. what's a song that fits your mood rn?


why am i tempted to start one of those cliche ass books for christmas?

BUT i already can't write this so i won't😅

(or will i heheheh)

Thanks for reading this :)

Bye <3

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