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As soon as he arrived home, Jeonghan ran inside the house.

He intended to continue crying in his room, but he was met with Seungcheol and a bunch of police officers- including his uncle.

"What is it?" Jeonghan asked, going over to them.

He tried to show as little emotion as possible.

"Here." His uncle said, handing him Seungcheol's phone.

It was a video sent from an unknown number.

The video displayed what happened on the bed from the time Jeonghan first woke up to the time he fainted.

Detective Yoon soon fast forwarded the video to the only part Jeonghan really remembered.

Yunseo thrusting into him while Jeonghan was crying and begging him to stop.

"Explain yourself." Detective Yoon said, Jeonghan immediately bursting into tears.

"I'm sorry, okay?! I didn't think he would be there! I'm a fucking idiot who let himself get raped, okay?! Just drop the fucking case! He only did this because I went to you assholes! What's next?!" Jeonghan yelled, crying loudly.

Detective Yoon was speechless.

He'd never seen this kind of outburst from Jeonghan.

The only emotion he'd ever seen from Jeonghan was hatred. Telling him and his family to die in a fire and whatnot.

But this? A complete shock.

"Shit, shit, shit. Baby, come here. It's okay now. They'll help us, okay?" Seungcheol assured him, pulling Jeonghan in for a hug.

"I can't do this. I fucking let him." Jeonghan cried.

"Don't say that. No, you didn't, Jeonghan. We'll get his ass. But we can't do that without you, okay? Baby, you're so strong. I know you're hurting, but Jisoo really needs us. If Yunseo could do this to you, someone he is obsessed with, imagine what he could do to Jisoo- someone he doesn't care for at all." Seungcheol asked, Jeonghan nodding.

"H-he left this." Jeonghan said, giving them the note.

But he didn't give them the computer chip.

If he gave it to them, he'd never see it again.

Plus, he knew someone who could figure out what it was...but if not, he'd turn it over to them.

"Thank you for cooperating, nephew. Look, we've had our ups and downs-mostly downs, but I have your back. Family drama doesn't matter right now. What matters is that we rescue your friend and get justice for everyone who was hurt by that man. Got it?" Detective Yoon said, holding out his hand for Jeonghan.

"Fine. After this, we go back to hating each other." Jeonghan said, shaking his uncle's hand.


"Cheol, can you take me to Wonwoo's?" Jeonghan asked.

"Sure. But may I ask why?" Seungcheol asked.

"I need his help with something." Jeonghan said.

"Okay. Let's go." Seungcheol said with a smile.

Once they got to the car, there was a sudden, awkward silence.

"Baby? You okay?" Seungcheol asked, putting his hand on Jeonghan's thigh as he began driving to Wonwoo's house.

"You should dump me." Jeonghan said with a sigh.

"Why would I do that?" Seungcheol asked, frowning a bit.

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