][< E I G H T Y </> O N E >][

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][ Tuesday: Week 7 ][

"Fuck I'm tired. And I should be...done." Wonwoo said, his fingers numb from all the typing he'd done.

Him and Hansol pulled an all-nighter, but he decided to try and get the location at 5 in the morning.

It was now 11 in the morning, and he had FINALLY bypassed through all 200 layers.

"Random ass address. Hopefully it works." Wonwoo said, forwarding Jeonghan the address that appeared on the screen.

"Wonwoo. Boo wants to chill. So I'm gonna go to Jisoo's house. I'll see you tonight?" Hansol asked.

"Yeah. Bye." Wonwoo said, Hansol waving as he left Wonwoo's place.

Before he could even think of what to do to kill time, Jun called him.


"Wonwoo i'm boreddddddd."

"And? What do you want me to do about it?"

"I don't know. Wanna come over and chill?"

"No. And aren't we on bad terms?"

"Well I kinda have no one else."

"You have Mei."

"Ew Wonwoo don't fucking play like that."

"Whatever. But ask Seokmin to hang out or some shit. Or Soonyoung. Aren't you cool with them?"

"Soonyoung is kinda only doing dance stuff. And he pretty much only talks to Seungkwan. I texted him 2 days ago, and I'm STILL on delivered. And Seokmin is going CRAZY since he dumped Jisoo."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't see him without some random girl. Like how he was before him and Jisoo got together. Guess he's taking a break from guys."

"Ughhhh. Him and Mingyu got into a fist fight."

"Wait deadass? What happened?"

"It was me, Minghao, Mingyu, and Seokmin at Gyu's house. Seokmin started talking shit about the thing that happened between us. You know...the sex."

"Fucking asshole. But I mean, we kinda did it to ourselves. Drunk or not. We shouldn't have fucked when we were taken...and kept it a secret."

"I know. I've been feeling shitty. And I could tell Mingyu has been trying to ignore it. But the shit Seokmin was saying...Mingyu probably just didn't want to admit that the shit he was saying was real."

"What all did he say?"

"I think he was saying shit about how Mingyu was pathetic and how he took me back and shit. And he said that I could fuck half the population of Seoul or something and Mingyu would still take me back. And then after some shoving, they ended up fighting. Then Mingyu kicked Seokmin out and yeah."

"Holy shit. Dick move on Seokmin's side."

"I fucking hate this. How everything was perfect until that stupid video. All because Mei is a jealous bitch."

"Same. But what can we do? Everyone has already seen the video. Including Mingyu and Minghao. At least Mingyu agreed to take things slowly. Minghao fucking hates me."

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