][< T H R E E >][

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"THAT WAS TORTURE! I THINK I'M ABOUT TO THROW UP!" Jun complained while being dragged by Minghao around the amusement park.

"Stop being a baby. Isn't this what you wanted?" Minghao asked with a smirk.

"Don't gaslight me! I wanted to get close to you! Not nearly die next to you!" Jun said.

"This is getting close to me. You get to sit next to me while we go on rides. And you get to pay for everything. You're a lucky guy." Minghao said with a mocking smile.

"Shut up. And here I thought you were all cute and sweet. Turns out you're cute and devious. Exactly my type." Jun flirted, Minghao slapping his arm.

"Bitch I am not cute." Minghao muttered.

"8! It's been an hour! Me and Mingyu are gonna check in with Jisoo and Seokmin. Wanna come with us?" Wonwoo asked while running up to the two.

"Yeah. But where is Mingyu?" Minghao asked.

"He's behind m- babe! I told you not to go near the fountain!" Wonwoo said while running over to his boyfriend, who was soaking wet and standing near a large fountain.

"I just wanted to take a picture. I didn't think the water would turn on." Mingyu whined.


"Hey! We're still alive!" Minghao exclaimed while running over to Seokmin and Jisoo.

"Okay. Who wants food? I'll get it." Jisoo offered.



"I guess I do."

"I do."


"Jun shut up and tell him if you want food or not."

"Fine! Yes."

"Alright. I'll be back." Jisoo said before walking to one of the food stands.

"Joshua?" Someone said from a food stand.

"Mark! Dude I haven't seen you in forever!" Jisoo exclaimed while walking over to the male.

"Yeah! How's everything?" Jisoo asked.

"Ehhh I've been better. But I'm seeing someone." Mark said with a smile.

"I'm so happy for you!" Jisoo said.

"Jisoo! Mingyu said he wants 2 corn dogs. And Jun said to hurry up." Seokmin said while running up to Jisoo.

"Ooh who's this? Did you finally find someone new?" Mark asked in English.

"Nope. Still dating the same person." Jisoo said.

"Dude, why? You deserve so much better!" Mark complained.

"The two of us love each other...and you know how my family is. They love Seungcheol more than they love me. I'd probably get disowned if things ended between us." Jisoo said with a chuckle.

"Then just cheat on him." Mark said as if it was obvious.

"I'm done with this conversation. Just make the corn dogs." Jisoo said with a sigh.

"How many corn dogs do you need?" Mark asked Seokmin, now speaking in Korean.

"7?" Seokmin answered unsure while looking over to Jisoo.

"6. I'm not eating." Jisoo said.

"Why not? Our corn dogs are good as hell." Mark said while going over to the fryer.

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