][ F I F T Y </> O N E >][

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][ Tuesday: Week 5 ][

"What the hell?" Jun questioned while waking up. He was naked with Wonwoo cuddling into his side.

"No fucking way. Wonwoo wake up!" Jun yelled, Wonwoo groaning and hugging Jun tighter.

"What the fuck happened last night?!" Jun yelled, Wonwoo getting up and seeing how they were.

"We were just at the river...how did we end up in a hotel?" Wonwoo questioned, the two trying to remember what happened.

][ last night ][

"You ever just want to say fuck society and run away?" Jun asked with a chuckle.

"All the time. But what can you do?" Wonwoo answered.

"What if we leave?" Jun asked while scooting closer to Wonwoo.

"We can't. You still have Minghao and I still have Mingyu. And the rest of our friends." Wonwoo said.

"Yeah...but none of them understand me like you do." Jun said with a smile.

"Oh shut up." Wonwoo said, smiling back.

Jun chuckled before pulling Wonwoo in for a kiss out of nowhere.

"H-huh? Jun we both have boyfriends!" Wonwoo said, pulling away from the kiss.

"I know. But I miss you. Just let me have you one more time. And then we can pretend like nothing has ever happened." Jun said, planting kisses on Wonwoo's neck.

"Jun it's wrong. We both have boyfriends. And what if they found out?" Wonwoo said, sighing.

"They won't, I promise. Just please, Wonwoo?" Jun asked.

"Wanna swim?" Wonwoo asked, Jun frowning.

"Wonwoo. I'm asking for a hook up and you're asking-"

"Shhh. Swim with me~" Wonwoo said, cutting Jun off by putting a finger on the male's lips.

"Fine." Jun said, Wonwoo already getting into the water.

"You're not gonna take your clothes off?" Jun asked.

"I have some in my car. Now stop asking questions and get in!" Wonwoo exclaimed.

Jun rolled his eyes, but got in the water with Wonwoo.

Wonwoo immediately splashed Jun, earning a gasp from the male.

"You piece of shit!" Jun joked while splashing Wonwoo back.

They laughed as they began splashing each other constantly.

"Okay okay! I give up!" Wonwoo said while laughing.

"It's about time." Jun said, smiling.

Wonwoo playfully rolled his eyes while going over to Jun and resting his arms on top of the male's shoulders.

"Remember, this means nothing." Jun said before kissing Wonwoo hungrily.

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