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"Channie! Are you okay? I picked you up 5 minutes ago and you haven't said anything. Also I thought you were going to the party tonight." Jisoo said, the concern for the younger evident in his voice.

"Soonyoung hyung wanted to come, but his parents didn't let him. And I wasn't about to go to a party by myself." Chan explained.

"The two of us could've hung out. I was bored out of my mind at that party." Jisoo said.

"I know. I'm sorry for troubling you, hyung." Chan said, his eyes glued to the floor of Jisoo's limo.

"You didn't! And you don't have to be so tense around me. I'm always here if you have anything you want to talk about." Jisoo said, Chan laying his head on the male's shoulder in response.

"Thank you. You're a really good person, hyung." Chan said, a tear making its way down his face.

"Don't cry, Channie." Jisoo said, smiling and wiping Chan's face with his sleeve.



"Babe. I told you not to wander around."


"Hao! I'll find you!"

"You guys okay?" Jisoo asked while walking into his house, Chan by his side.

"No. Mingyu and 8 are lost." Wonwoo said.

"Oh. I have an idea of where they went. Chan, go make yourself something to eat. I'll be back in a second, okay?" Jisoo said, Chan nodding.

Chan waited for Jisoo to go up the stairs before making his way to the kitchen.

"Yo kid! How the fuck do you even work this thing? I swear, this house is more difficult than Wonwoo's." Seokmin complained.

"N-no idea. I've never used it before." Chan muttered before going over to the cabinet to find something to eat.

"You about to eat?" Seokmin asked, Chan humming in response.

"Mingyu is actually a really good cook. We're having him make us dinner. You can join if you want." Seokmin offered, not really knowing why.

"Really? I mean, if it's not too much trouble." Chan said.

"The more the merrier! Plus my parents went overboard with how much food they bought this week. So make as much as you want." Jisoo said, walking into the kitchen and having found Mingyu and Minghao.

"Yes! I love Mingyu's cooking!" Minghao exclaimed.

"Alright! Move along! I'll be done in 30 minutes. Until then, get the fuck out and leave me alone. All except Wonwoo and Jisoo. I love Wonwoo, and Jisoo can help me work his rich people kitchen appliances." Mingyu said, shooing the others out of the kitchen.

As they went to the living room, Chan sat on the floor, Jun and Minghao sat on a loveseat, Wonwoo went to the recliner, whereas Jisoo on Seokmin sat on the couch.

"Want to watch a movie?" Seokmin asked, the others agreeing.

"You guys can pick. And also there's no rush to leave. My parents wouldn't be able to get off work until midnight, so they just decided to book a room instead of coming home." Jisoo said while yawning.

"Can I sleep over? I don't feel like going home." Seokmin said.

"Of course! Chan, where are you sleeping tonight?" Jisoo asked.

"The guest bedroom. The one that's directly next to yours." Chan said.

"Okay. Anyone else wanna stay?" Jisoo asked, once again yawning.

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