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"Jihoon. I guess I'm going out." Seungkwan said as the two were laying on the couch together.

"Oh okay. Have fun. I'll be sleeping then." Jihoon said, Seungkwan smiling.

"Can I come back here when I'm done?" Seungkwan asked.

"I don't mind. But are your parents worried?" Jihoon asked.

"Nah. They'll be fine. I'll be back around 11 or so. Don't wait for me." Seungkwan said while standing up.

"Okay. Get there safe. Let me know if you need anything." Jihoon said.

"I will. Bye!" Seungkwan said, grabbing his things and leaving Jihoon's place.


"You ready to go?" Soonyoung asked as Chan got in his car.

"Yeah. Where we going?" Chan asked.

"A club. It's a pretty fun one. And it's easy to sneak into." Soonyoung said with a smile.

"How are we gonna get in?" Chan asked.

"I just said. We're sneaking in. They have a back door. Us not old enough to drink always go in that way and the club pretends be clueless." Soonyoung said with a chuckle.

"Is this legal?" Chan asked.

"Of course not. But we'll be fine. But if there's cops, run." Soonyoung warned, Chan nodding.

"Alright. Let's go!" Soonyoung said, driving away from Chan's house and making his way to the club.

The car was quickly filled with awkward silence, neither one of them even sparing the other a glance.

Soonyoung turned on the radio, quietly groaning in annoyance when nothing good was playing.

He settled with some song that sounded not terrible, but still had it at a low volume just so they could hear each other talk...if anyone did.

Might as well say something.

"Do you want to stop for something to eat?" Soonyoung asked, breaking what would've been silence if not for the random song playing in the background.

"I'm okay." Chan answered, Soonyoung nodding.

Was this a mistake? Maybe I shouldn't have suggested this. Soonyoung thought with a sigh.

Why did I agree to this? I can't do this to Jihoon hyung...but Soonyoung hyung makes me feel weird. That doesn't make sense though. It's always been Jisoo hyung. So why is Soonyoung hyung suddenly making feel this way? Chan thought.

"How far away is it?" Chan asked quietly.

"About 30 or so minutes. Why? You alright?" Soonyoung asked.

"Nothing. Just curious." Chan said, Soonyoung smiling and nodding before turning his focus back to the road.

He looks hot...oh shit. Jihoon doesn't have to know. Maybe we can just make out for a little, we can jerk each other off, and then go back to being friends- best friends. Yeah...that's a good idea. Chan thought.

Does he know how hot looks? Holy fuck. Focus, Soonyoung. Drive this damn car. He's not interested. But what if...? No. Stop being delusional. Who knows, maybe I'll end up going home with some random dude tonight. Maybe he'll do the same. I hope not. Soonyoung thought.

Meanwhile, Chan's imagination had gone from simply giving Soonyoung a hand job to straight up riding the male.

Chan bit his lip while quickly glancing at Soonyoung and his outfit.

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