][< N I N E T Y </> T W O >][

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][ Two Months Later ][

The past two months had been great.

Seokmin and Jisoo were really working hard to repair their relationship. And Jisoo's mental and physical health were improving with the help of lots of therapy. (seokmin had also moved in with him, so that helped too.)

Seungcheol and Jeonghan had been inseparable and stronger than ever. Jeonghan's arm was doing well too. (everyone had also made a bet that seungcheol would propose right after high school.)

Jun and Minghao were always in their own world, in love, and happy that everything had worked out.

Mingyu and Wonwoo were doing good as well. Mingyu had finally asked Wonwoo out (again) in the most perfect way, but the two had still decided to take things somewhat slowly.

Soonyoung and Chan ended up becoming an item, and had decided to clear up everything with Jihoon. (after lots of talking and apologizing, things had cleared up. and Jihoon had revealed that he actually had met someone.)

Vernon and Seungkwan had remained as close and loving as ever, dubbing themselves as the most wholesome couple.


"WOOHOOO WE GRADUATED!!" Seungkwan yelled.

"We stil have to walk the stage, Boo." Hansol said with a chuckle.

"Whatever. We still graduated." Seungkwan said while shrugging.

"I'm kinda sad." Wonwoo said.

"Really?" Mingyu asked.

"Yeah. I had my first kiss here, I gave my first blowjob here, I smoked for the first time here, I met you here, and I met everyone else here." Wonwoo said with a sigh.

"That's just you. I can't wait for them to call my name to walk that stage. I'm ready to go. Plus, me and Hao are gonna spend a while in China together." Jun said with a smirk.

"Damn. Use protection or whatever." Wonwoo said.

"Don't encourage him!" Minghao whined.

"Baby, it's graduation night! Let's have fun! Just like we did the night of the prom~" Jun teased, Minghao playfully hitting him.

"I'm gonna miss everyone." Chan said, full on crying while sitting on Soonyoung's lap.

"Shhh baby. We'll still see each other." Soonyoung said, smiling and rubbing Chan's back.

"Wh-what about everyone else? Jeonghan hyung is my brother, and you're my boyfriend. Of course I'll see you guys. But the others? What if they forget about me?" Chan asked, crying even harder.

"Soonyoung! They're about to start calling names!" Seokmin yelled while going over to the male.

"Baby, I have to go. I promise no one will forget about you." Soonyoung said, Chan nodding.

"Okay. Love you." Chan said while sniffling and getting off Soonyoung's lap.

"I love you too." Soonyoung said, wiping Chan's tears and giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Bye, baby!" Soonyoung yelled while being dragged away by Seokmin.

"Chan! Come on, let's sit together." Jihoon said while coming up to him.

"You're here? Thought you were busy?" Chan asked.

"Seungkwan yelled at me. Luckily, in the class that happens during this time, my professor got sick. So I only had morning classes today." Jihoon said.

"That's great! Let's sit here." Chan said, smiling as the two sat down together.

One by one, everyone's name had been called.

All of the seniors had walked the stage!

"SENIORS, THROW YOUR CAPS IN THREE...TWO...ONE!" One of the teachers had shouted, everyone throwing their caps into the air.


"WE FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL!" All of the seniors shouted.

Ultimately, they'd decided to just spend the night all together partying at Jisoo's house.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." Chan said, crying as he went around hugging everyone one at a time while telling them something he'd miss about them.

"I don't want to still be in school!" Chan whined.

"Haha! Sucks for you!" Jeonghan teased.

"Cheol hyung, Jeonghan hyung's bullying meeeee!" Chan whined.

"Seungcheol and Wonwoo are in the middle of a really heated game right now. Don't bother them." Jisoo said.

"Really? What game?" Jeonghan asked.

"Mario kart." Mingyu answered with a completely serious look on his face.

"Seungcheol always slaughters me in this game. I owe Wonwoo $50 if he can beat Seungcheol." Hansol said to Jisoo, chuckling and going upstairs.

"HA! I FUCKING WON! Hansol, you owe me money!" Wonwoo yelled while going to find the male.

Wonwoo won first place, while Seungcheol got third.

"WONWOO, THAT SHIT WAS RIGGED! I NEVER LOSE! I WANT A REMATCH!" Seungcheol yelled while going to get Wonwoo.

"Wow, Chan. This is what you're getting emotional over?" Jeonghan asked.

"Yes. I'm gonna miss you guys." Chan said while running to go find Soonyoung.


Once the party had chilled out and it was like 4 in the morning, Seokmin and Jisoo decided to chill on the balcony.

"It's such a nice night." Jisoo said.

"It is. I'll never get over the view you have from this balcony. It's almost just as beautiful as you." Seokmin said while winking.

"Shut up!" Jisoo said while laughing.

"Whatever. You love me." Seokmin said.

"That, I do." Jisoo said.

"We're so corny." Seokmin said with a sigh.

"Very much." Jisoo said, the two laughing.

"On a serious note, I don't know what my life would be like right now without you." Seokmin said.

"Same. It's kind of weird to think about. Who knows where we'd be if not for that stupid ass list." Jisoo said with a chuckle.

"I know! As much as our principal was a lot to handle, she did one thing right. Which was set us up." Seokmin said, Jisoo leaning onto his shoulder.


"We were complete opposites at that time. Looking back, I don't see how the hell we didn't crash and burn. But...I'm glad we didn't. I don't think I've ever been this happy with someone." Seokmin said with a smile.

"That was so cheesy. But I don't think I've ever been this happy with someone either." Jisoo said, holding Seokmin's hand.

"I love you, Min."

"I love you too."


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