][< S E V E N >][

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"Can we eat off campus?" Wonwoo asked the others at the lunch table.

"No. Deal with it or leave." Jun said with a scoff.

"What crawled up your ass?" Seokmin asked with a chuckle.

"Keep on, I will fucking murder you." Mingyu said, shooting a glare towards Jun.

"He's mad because 8 has become fond of Jisoo." Wonwoo said.

"Shut the fuck up, nerd. The only reason we let you stay here is because Mingyu is a big baby. But as soon as he gets tired of you, which I guarantee with happen, you'll be able to eat off campus all you want. Alone and single." Jun said with a snicker.

"Dude! What the fuck's your problem?!" Mingyu yelled, slamming his hands on the lunch table.

"It's fine." Wonwoo whispered while putting his hand over Mingyu's.

"No it's fucking not! He's implying-"

"That you'll get tired of him. Like you do everyone else. He makes them feel loved and cared for, and then he just suddenly doesn't anymore. You're lucky he stayed this long. Usually he doesn't stick around after the third time having sex as a couple. Consider yourself lucky, nerd." Jun said, Wonwoo standing up in response.

"What? Gonna cry and stick your nose in a book?" Jun asked, Mingyu going over to his side of the table and grabbing him by the shirt.

"I'm leaving."

"I'll go with you."

"N-no. That's fine. I need to stop somewhere anyways." Wonwoo said, about to give Mingyu a kiss on the cheek.

But he stopped himself and walked away.

"Oh you son of a bitch." Mingyu said, about to punch Jun in the face.

"Do it. I'm sure the nerd will think so highly of you. He didn't want you to get into more fights, right?" Jun asked mockingly.

"Mingyu. It's not worth it." Seokmin said.

"Asshole." Mingyu said before releasing Jun's shirt from his grip and leaving the cafeteria.

"What the fuck was that?!" Seokmin yelled.

"Where's your soon-to-be fuck toy?" Jun asked, Seokmin scoffing.

"Don't talk about Jisoo like that. And he had something to handle." Seokmin said, already irritated by Jun.

"On a Tuesday? He's lying. He totally ditched you." Jun said.

"Seokmin! Sorry for taking long. But I have to go somewhere." Jisoo said, seemingly out of breath.

"Are you okay? Where are you going?" Seokmin asked, Jun scoffing.

"I'm fine, but someone else isn't. I'm going to Florescent Elementary because one of the teachers went into labor so I have to cover her class." Jisoo explained.

"Cool. Can I go?" Seokmin asked.

"I don't know."

"I can't be in a classroom for a few weeks, right? So where you go, I go. Per the bitch herself." Seokmin said, Jisoo sighing.

"Do you even like kids?" Jisoo asked.

"Hell no. Those little shits are annoying. But it's better than dealing with Jun. So let's go." Seokmin said.

"Where are the others?" Jisoo asked.

"Jun pissed off Wonwoo, and because of that he pissed off Mingyu. And 8 had to take a test that he missed on Friday because the teacher wasn't there yesterday." Seokmin explained, Jisoo nodding.

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