][< T H I R T Y </> E I G H T >][

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"Yo where's my boyfriend?" Seokmin asked while putting an arm around Soonyoung and Seungkwan.

"Like I fucking know." Seungkwan muttered, attempting to take a shot.

"Anyone seen Jun?" Minghao asked while going over to them.

"Nope. They're probably getting fucked up somewhere." Soonyoung said.

"Jun's room, maybe?" Mingyu suggested.

"Let's hurry. I want to smoke a cigarette and make out with Jisoo." Seokmin said.

"Bitch you can't walk." Seungkwan said.

"You're just mad because I beat you two AGAIN. Now come on. I can walk with my arm around the two of you." Seokmin said as they rolled their eyes, but all begin walking to Jun's room.

"Wonwoo wake up!" Jun said while giggling like crazy.

"Asshat I'm awake. Hi Mingyu." Wonwoo said while going over to his boyfriend who just entered the room and hugging him.

"Babe! Do you have a drink?" Jisoo asked, Seokmin nodding while going over and giving Jisoo a beer.

Jisoo smiled before kissing his boyfriend, the two ignoring the others and making out heatedly.

"Minghao! Baby! I missed you!" Jun exclaimed as Minghao laughed and went over to him.

"Hyung, I'm gonna leave. I have to be home before 2 am." Chan said.

"CHANNIE DON'T LEAVE ME! HANSOL IS PASSED OUT! YOU'RE ALL I HAVE!" Seungkwan whined while going and hugging Chan.

"Huh?" Chan questioned while laughing.

"You can stay at my place. I'm sure your parents won't mind. I'll take care of you." Seungkwan said while smiling.

"You sure?" Chan asked.

"Of course! Now come on! We have to all be incredibly fucked up in the morning! And you look like you're sober! So I'm gonna change that! Soon and Hoon, you both wanna join?" Seungkwan asked.

"Soon and Hoon? But uh..babe?" Soonyoung asked.

"I don't care. Not like I have plans." Jihoon said.

"YAY! Let's go!" Soonyoung exclaimed as they left to go get more drinks.

"Wanna smoke cigarettes on the balcony?" Jisoo asked.

"I thought you'd never ask." Seokmin said as they ran to the balcony which could be accessed through a door in Jun's room.

"Oh shit, I have a boyfriend. Hansol! Get your ass up!" Seungkwan said as his boyfriend woke up with a groan.

"Boo~" Hansol whined.

"Come on." Seungkwan said while dragging him out of Jun's room.

Meanwhile Mingyu had sat down and Wonwoo was asleep on his lap, his head resting on Mingyu's shoulder.

"I don't think I can wake him up. Sorry Jun." Mingyu said with a sheepish smile.

"Don't worry about it!" Jun said, still giggling, but it not being as bad.

"I love you so much." Seokmin said while lighting his and Jisoo's cigarette.

"I love you too. A lot." Jisoo said, sitting on Seokmin's lap and taking the first puff of the cigarette.

"Jisoo, you're so cute. Like really cute. And I love who you are as a person. It makes me so happy to be with you." Seokmin said while hugging Jisoo's waist.

"Don't get so sappy. But I really love being with you too. You look tough on the outside, but you're really just a softie." Jisoo said with a smile.

"Only for you." Seokmin said while smiling back and pulling Jisoo in for a sweet kiss.

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