][< T W E N T Y </> T W O >][

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][ Sunday: Week 1 ][

"Jisoo, we're leaving! Hansol, stay out of trouble." Jisoo's mom shouted from the living room.

"Bye mom." Jisoo said while going downstairs.

"Don't let him cause trouble. And take care of that animal." His mother said, rolling her eyes.

"I will." Jisoo said, her nodding and walking out of the door.

"FINALLY SHE'S GONE!" Hansol said, Seungkwan by his side.

"As long I don't have climb up a ladder to get to Hansol's room, I'm happy." Seungkwan said with a chuckle.


"Lee Seokmin, don't lie to me." Wonwoo threatened.

They were in Seokmin's room together because apparently Wonwoo wanted to talk about something in private.

"FINE! We're dating." Seokmin said, caving after Wonwoo had been interrogating him for 30 minutes.

"I knew it! Do you know how risky this is?" Wonwoo said, Seokmin sighing and preparing himself for one of the male's long lectures.

"You both have completely opposite reputations! And you'd be screwed if word got around. He's expected to be perfect! But cheating on THE Choi Seungcheol with Lee Seokmin? That's about as imperfect as he could be. And what about his family? It's no secret how strict they are with him. Word around the school is that they only reason they tolerate him being gay is because he's dating Seungcheol! If they break up and he announces that he's with you, then what?

The thing about rich parents is that they don't give a shit, Seokmin. How you feel? Doesn't matter. What matters is that you're their little trophy and you look good enough for them to brag. The second you lose those bragging rights, they make your life a living hell." Wonwoo said, Seokmin noticing something...off about the male.

Immediately after he said 'rich parents' Wonwoo started getting a bit emotional.

"Are you and Mingyu okay?" Seokmin asked.

"I'm moving to Japan before the end of winter break." Wonwoo said, Seokmin's eyes widening.

"WHAT? WHY?!" Seokmin asked.

"They have a medical school there, and my parents want me to be a surgeon. They submitted an application without me knowing, and I got accepted." Wonwoo said, tears streaming down his face.

"Oh. My. God. Have you tried convincing them to let you stay?" Seokmin asked.

"Yes! I tried so hard. But they refused to let me stay because no one is "worthy" enough." Wonwoo said.

"And I haven't been able to tell Mingyu. I fucking love him, so much. I can't leave him like this. Hell, I can't leave him at all." Wonwoo said, his voice breaking.

"I'm sure we can find some type of way for you to stay. There has to be a way. I make fun of you two, but Mingyu has never been happier than when he's with you." Seokmin said, awkwadly patting Wonwoo's back in an attempt to be 'comforting'.

"My parents won't even meet him! They refuse to think that I'm actually gay, and they've convinced themselves that I'm bi. But not only that, they refuse to meet him." Wonwoo said.

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