][< S E V E N T Y </> E I G H T >][

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][ Monday: Week 7 ][

"So...when was the last time you knew about Hong Jisoo's whereabouts?" Detective Yoon asked.

"Yesterday at 4pm. He sent me his location, which was at Cafe Seoul, a coffee shop a few minutes away from here." Jeonghan answered.

"Okay...and where was the last place Hong Yunseo was seen?" Detective Yoon asked.

Jeonghan paused to get out his phone to look at the address sent to him by Hansol.

"It was at the place he was believed to be staying at, 3816 Daeli Street." Jeonghan said, his uncle nodding.

"Well, Jeonghan...we'll try. I'll let you know if I have any updates." Detective Yoon said.

"Alright, whatever. I doubt you'll do shit anyway. Fine, I'll just do it by myself." Jeonghan said before leaving his uncle's office.

"I fucking hate kids." Detective Yoon mumbled while taking a sip of his coffee.


What the hell? Where am I?" Jisoo wondered, waking up in a random bed.

"Finally awake, I see? Long time no see, brother." Yunseo said while entering the small room Jisoo was in, chuckling.

"Yunseo, you piece of shit-" Jisoo was about to get up before he realized something.

His hands were handcuffed to the bed frame.

"What the fuck, Yunseo?! L-let me go!" Jisoo yelled, pulling on the handcuffs.

"Stop fucking doing that! If you're bruised, my customers won't pay me as much." Yunseo said, rolling his eyes and going over to Jisoo.

"What the fuck do you want? Leave me alone, asshole." Jisoo said with a scoff.

"That's no way to speak to your older brother, huh? I can kill you at any second. Those guys will fuck you and pay me, whether you're dead or alive. But watching you suffer would be more fun for me." Yunseo said, getting out a gun and pointing it at Jisoo's head.

"I'll end you right here. I can always replace you with some other whore." Yunseo said.

Then fucking do it. Jisoo thought, turning his head away from Yunseo.

"I'm surprised. I figured you'd opt for me to kill you. Oh well. How's Chan? And your boyfriend- erm sorry, your EX boyfriend?" Yunseo asked.

"Leave them the fuck out of this, Yunseo!" Jisoo said, sitting up immediately.

"Aww, but why? It was so fun. I love being the puppetmaster. It was easy, really. Hansol is so fucking dumb. He played right into it. And the Chan thing? I drugged him. And the Seokmin thing fell right into place. I'm amazing, aren't I? Once the demand for you goes down, I could really be a fortune teller." Yunseo said with a chuckle.

"You're fucking sick." Jisoo said, closing his eyes and sighing.

"Not so fast. You have a BUSY day ahead. A bunch of big CEOs And FYI, they love it even more when you struggle. Anyway, nice talk." Yunseo said, injecting Jisoo with some kind of green liquid.

"Yunseo, what the-" Jisoo suddenly felt REALLY sleepy.

Before Jisoo knew it, he had been knocked out.

"Jimin!" Yunseo yelled.


"Make sure the maids get him ready. The clients want him only in TINY boxers. I'll be out for a bit. I'll be back before the first client arrives. Don't burn this place down, or I'll fucking murder you. Bye." Yunseo said, patting Jimin on the shoulder before leaving their new hideout where Jisoo was being held.

It was a base built under a small shed in the middle of nowhere.


"Useless asshole. I'll look for Yunseo myself." Jeonghan said, driving to the place Hansol said he met Yunseo at.

Once he arrived, he debated whether or not he should really go in.

Maybe I should turn around...but I doubt my uncle is gonna do shit. If the roles were switched, would Jisoo do this for me? He would. So I need to do this for him. Jeonghan thought, getting out of his car.

He approached the house, and to his surprise, the door was unlocked.

Upon entering, Jeonghan noticed that it was VERY neat.

Like no one had ever lived there. All that was left were a few couches and a table.

Jeonghan decided to walk around the house, still trying to look for anything that would lead him to where Jisoo was being held.

After about 15 minutes, he gave up.

He searched every cabinet, closet, room- everything.

And what did he find?


"This was pointless. Of course Yunseo would move everything out." Jeonghan said, about to walk to the front door so that he could leave.

But there at the door...

Stood none other than Hong Yunseo, wearing a smirk.

"Miss me, Jeonghan?"



Oh my god I haven't written/posted a chapter in so long😭

I was SO CLOSE to discontinuing this book, but I decided I'll just push through and finish it

(please leave comments they motivate me)

And I'm kinda debating on some things regarding the ending... but idk


Name a song, idol, and group that starts with S

Thanks for reading

See you in the next chapter :)

Bye <33

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