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"Thank you so much for doing this!" Jisoo said to his driver while getting out of the limo.

"It's no problem, kid." The person said before driving off.

"Let's go in. My parents are both at work until 10pm, so we'll have the house to ourselves. The maid and butlers are also not on duty since my parents aren't here." Jisoo said while unlocking the door.

" Jisoo said while unlocking the door

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"Woah. I thought my house was nice. This is amazing." Seokmin said in awe from the inside of Jisoo's house.

"I like it too. But it's a bit much considering that only 3 people live here." Jisoo said with a chuckle.

"Only 3 people live here? You could easily house 13 people here." Seokmin said with a chuckle.

"My parents like to host their rich people events at our house. So the nicer the house the better. Anyways, wanna go to my room?" Jisoo asked.

"Sure!" Seokmin said, the two going up the stairs.

"Sure!" Seokmin said, the two going up the stairs

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"Holy shit. This is your room?! It's amazing!" Seokmin said, Jisoo sitting on the window seat.

"You're more than welcome to come over any time. It gets lonely in here." Jisoo said, Seokmin joining him on the window seat.

"Really? What about Seungcheol? If I was your boyfriend, I know I'd be with you as close to 24/7 as I could get." Seokmin said.

"Seungcheol is just busy a lot. It's fine, though. He comes over when he can." Jisoo said with a smile.



"Damn. And I thought Wonwoo's house was extravagant."

"This is so fucking big."

"That's what she said."


"Kiss my ass, bitch!"

"Oh you piece of-"

"Jun! Wonwoo! Shut the hell up." Seokmin said as he and Jisoo walked down the stairs together.

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