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"You want to do what? And why me?" Seokmin asked.

"I'm saying, let's go to the location we found. I don't trust my uncle, Seokmin. And I chose you because you'd do anything to help. Plus, Cheol would yell at me- so this has to stay between us." Jeonghan said.

"Alright, I guess I'm in." Seokmin said with a sigh.

"Bet. Come to my place at 10pm. Bring flashlights, wear black clothes, and maybe some snacks. I looked it up, the place is in the middle of nowhere. It'll take a while to get there." Jeonghan said.

"Got it. But if this gets dangerous, I'm leaving your ass." Seokmin said.

"Piece of shit. And it won't be dangerous as long as we don't get caught." Jeonghan said.

"Whatever you say." Seokmin said.


"Wonwoo still not answering?" Jun asked.

"Nope. Can you call him?" Mingyu asked.

"Sure." Jun said, calling Wonwoo.

It went straight to voicemail.

"He didn't answer." Jun said, putting the phone down and shrugging.

"That's not weird?" Mingyu asked.

"Nah. He's probably just asleep or something. He was getting high earlier, so he's probably knocked out by now. Don't think too hard." Jun said.

"Do you know where he is?" Mingyu asked.

"Mingyu, chill out. I'm sure he's fine. And I'm not his parent. I'm not asking where he is every two seconds." Jun said.

"I guess."

"And aren't you mad at him anyway?" Minghao asked, coming into the room with Jun and Mingyu.

"So I can't be a decent human being?" Mingyu asked.

"I would ignore you too, if I'm being honest. Just wait a while. If he wants to reach out, he will." Jun said.

"I hope so." Mingyu said.


"Cousin, what's wrong with you?" Jungkook asked.

"Nothing. Just issues with my boyfrien- ex. Issues with my ex." Wonwoo said, laid out on Jungkook's couch and drinking his second beer.

"You and Mingyu broke up?! Or a different ex?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, we broke up...I fucked up. But he said we could start over and take things slowly. So I thought that meant we weren't gonna see other people, but clearly I was wrong. So I suggested that we just stop trying to fix us altogether. And yeah." Wonwoo said, finishing his current beer and opening another can.

"Slow down. Alcohol poisoning is a thing, you know." Jungkook said.

"Whatever. This is my last one anyways." Wonwoo said.

"Dude, you're at a party. Mingle, get fucked up, maybe get laid or something. Don't just be a bum, Wonwoo." Jungkook said, patting him on the back before leaving to go mingle with the others at the party.

"I'm not a bum." Wonwoo said, chugging his beer.


"And how old is Jisoo?" One of Yunseo's clients asked.

"He's 18, why?" Jimin answered, the client gasping.

"Yunseo promised a minor! I don't want a grown ass man! I'll be telling everyone about this! I cannot believe-" The man was cut off by a gunshot to the head.

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