][< E I G H T Y </> T W O >][

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][ Wednesday : Week 7 ][

"He's grown up since the last time I've seen him, Yunseo. How old is he? He's still a minor right?" A client asked.

"Jisoo? Oh yes, he's 16. I wouldn't dare give you someone who's not a minor, sir. But don't let him fool you." Yunseo said.

"Very good. Depending on his performance, I'll give you $1,000 to $5,000." The man said.

"Yes, sir. I assure you, you won't be disappointed." Yunseo said with a fake smile.

"Alright. Take me to the 16 year old." The man said.

"Of course. Jimin! Take him to Jisoo's room!" Yunseo ordered.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Jimin muttered.

"Watch it, Park." Yunseo said.

"I need to talk to you later." Jimin said.

"Just do as I told you." Yunseo said before walking away.

"Alright, sir. He's this way." Jimin said, leading the man to the room Jisoo was staying in.

"Right in this room." Jimin said, stopping in front of a door colored red.

"Thank you." The man said, giving Jimin $200 and walking into the room.

Holy shit. I didn't believe Yunseo when he said these perverts were filthy rich. All I did was walk him to the room. Jimin said, putting the money in his pocket and walking away.

"Ah kid! Remember me? We had some fun times back then. You're even more beautiful now." The man said, chuckling and undressing himself.

"Fuck off." Jisoo said with what little dignity he had left.

"Oh? You've changed." The man said, chuckling and inching closer to Jisoo.

"This is gonna be fun." The man said with a smirk, Jisoo gulping.


"Wake up, whore. You have 20 minutes until the next client comes. Here's some water. You made me $4500. It would've been more if you'd struggled more. You better give these men what they want, or I'm not feeding you tonight, slut." Yunseo said while throwing a water bottle at Jisoo.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Jisoo said, trying not to let Yunseo see the tears forming in his eyes.

"There's no problem. I just need money. And who wants to get a job when I can just sell your body to these rich assholes? I'm a genius." Yunseo said with a chuckle.

"They'll find me." Jisoo said.

"You sure? That boyfriend of yours is pissed at you. Jeonghan and Seungcheol are mad that you cheated. That kid is a fucking mess. Hansol might be willing, but his dumbass wouldn't even know where to begin. And our- no your parents never gave a fuck. Just give up. No one's saving you." Yunseo said with a smirk.

"I'm not a little kid anymore. You can't get in my head." Jisoo said, taking the, probably spiked, water and drinking it.

"Whatever you say. You have 13 minutes before the next client." Yunseo said before walking out of the room.

"Yunseo!" Jimin said, going over to him.

"Ugh. What the fuck do you want? I have 13 minutes to prepare for the next client." Yunseo said while rolling his eyes.

"I want out. I'm not getting shit from this." Jimin said.

"You think you have that option, Jimin? That's laughable. Prepare for the next client. This one wants Jisoo in a schoolgirl outfit. Get to it." Yunseo said, about to walk away.

"Yunseo I'm serious. I can't do this anymore." Jimin said, Yunseo sighing.

"Jimin, don't fucking do this. Finding another person is so much work." Yunseo said, pulling out a gun and pointing it at Jimin's head.

"So, you still want out?" Yunseo asked.

Jimin froze.

A fucking psychopath was holding up a gun to his head!

He wouldn't hesitate to shoot!

After what felt like forever, Jimin answered.

"I-I'll get that school girl outfit." Jimin said, his eyes not leaving the gun in Yunseo's hand.

"Ah, I knew you were smart, Jimin! You have 9 minutes. And don't waste my time like this again. I won't hesitate to kill you. And I'll send half your head to your beloved Min Yoongi, and the other half to Jeonghan." Yunseo said with a smile.

"Oh, and I'll enjoy every second of it. So get to work. 7 minutes left." Yunseo said, Jimin quickly leaving.

I'm surrounded by dumbasses. I should've just hired someone to do this shit. I figured he'd last longer. Oh well. I'll get caught anyway. Might as well have fun with this. Yunseo thought, smirking.

This was gonna be fun.

Everything was set into motion.


"You did what?!" Jeonghan's uncle asked.

"Yunseo gave me a computer chip with some kind of nerd shit on it, so I gave it to our nerdy computer friend, and he broke through it or something, and it gave us this address." Jeonghan said in one breath.

"Why the hell would you withhold evidence?!" Jeonghan's uncle asked.

"One, I didn't know if it was important. I didn't want to embarrass myself. And two, you guys would take too long. I know how you people prioritize certain shit. Jisoo's loaded though. So I'd be working extra hard, but that's just me." Jeonghan said while shrugging.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we have an address! We should investigate it." Seungcheol said.

"There's no 'we'. My team and I will investigate this address. We'll get back to you tomorrow. Goodbye." Jeonghan's uncle said.

"You're fucking joking! You're not gonna let us do anything? He's my fucking best friend! I'm not just gonna sit around and trust you guys. For all I know, you guys won't even look." Jeonghan said.

"Babe, I already know what you're thinking. Don't go to the address. I bet your uncle can facetime you as he investigates the address, okay? I know you want to help, but we're dealing with Yunseo. Just let them handle it, baby." Seungcheol said, squeezing Jeonghan's hand.

"Okay. But you have to facetime me!" Jeonghan said.

"Yeah. You have to unblock me first." His uncle said while sighing.

"Deal. When?" Jeonghan asked.

"Tomorrow, anywhere from 2 in the morning to 9 in the morning." His uncle answered.

"Alright. You can leave now." Jeonghan said while standing up and going to his room.

"I'm sorry about him." Seungcheol said with a sheepish smile.

"It's fine. I'm used to it. But I'm glad he has someone who can...manage him." Jeonghan's uncle said with a chuckle.

"He just chooses when to listen to me. " Seungcheol said.

"That's better than what us family get. He doesn't listen to any of us, even the few family members he doesn't hate." Jeonghan's uncle said, Seungcheol chuckling.

"Anyways, kid. I'm gonna get going. Remind Jeonghan to unblock me." Jeonghan's uncle said while leaving the house.

"Yes sir!"



Short chapter, I know😅


1. Favorite Non-Kpop song atm?

2. Favorite kpop song atm?

3. Favorite seventeen song atm?


Thanks for reading

See you in the next chapter :)

Bye <333

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