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~Author's note: Side couple😉~

"Soonyoung hyung!" Chan exclaimed. "Channie! What's up?" Soonyoung asked while wiping his forehead with a towel.

"I um...wanted to know if you wanted to go out? For bowling. Jisoo hyung is taking some people and asked me to come along. He said I could bring someone." Chan explained while looking down.

"Sure! I haven't been out in a while! What time?" Soonyoung asked.

"5:30 is when we're gonna meet up at the bowling alley. Jisoo hyung is gonna rent it out until 10." Chan said.

"Okay. You wanna come home with me, then? You can wear my clothes, and then I'll just drive you to the bowling alley." Soonyoung offered.

"You sure?" Soonyoung nodded.

"Okay then! I'll tell Jisoo hyung!" Chan exclaimed with a smile.


"Hyung!" Chan exclaimed while running over to the table that Jisoo, Seokmin, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Minghao, and Jun, were sitting at.

"Channie! What happened?" Jisoo said while chuckling at the younger's excitement.

"He said yes!"

"You asked him out?! Finally! I told you that he-"

"N-no. I didn't. He said yes to bowling." Chan said, Jisoo sighing.

"Wow, Chan. You really had the PERFECT chance to ask him out. I created an AMAZING oppurtunity for you. But what did you do? Put yourself in the friendzone." Chan scoffed.

"Rude! And I'm not going to ruin our friendship just because of a stupid crush." It was now Jisoo's turn to scoff.

"You know nothing, child."

"Like you know anything."

"I know more than you."

"Whatever." Chan said while playfully rolling his eyes.

"Chan! Practice is in 5! Don't be late!" Someone yelled.

"I gotta go. Bye hyung, love you!" Chan said before running off to the practice room for the dance team.

"Wish I had younger siblings." Jisoo muttered.


"Hyung, you okay? You seemed...out of it at practice." Chan said.

Practice had just ended. It was held during lunch since many people were busy after school that specific day.

"I'm fine. Just...thinking." Soonyoung answered hesitantly.

"For your sake, I'll pretend to believe that." Chan said with a chuckle.

"Thanks." Soonyoung said, Chan laying his head on the male's shoulder and humming.

There's no way he's ever gonna love me like I love him.

Word around the school is that he's crushing on Jisoo.

And how am I supposed to compete with the most perfect person in the school.

I can't.

Maybe I should just let go of Chan.

It'll be for the better.

For me and for him.

The two sat in a comfortable silence before someone entered the room.

"Hi! Can I borrow my little brother for a second?" Jeonghan asked, showing his angelic smile.

"Of course." Soonyoung said, Chan getting up.

"Follow." Was all Jeonghan said as the two left the practice room.

Jeonghan led him into his private prefect room.

Each prefect at Crystal High was allowed a private and personalized room.

"What the hell are you doing? Cuddling up with your dance captain? I didn't know you'd get that desperate." Jeonghan said, a mocking smile painted across his face.

"I d-didn't do anything. W-we didn't do anything." Chan said, scared of what Jeonghan was planning to do.

"You're a fucking slut, you know that? No wonder your own parents didn't love you. And if your parents don't love you, no one will. Keep that in mind. That guy, he's probably not even into guys. Only reason he's nice to you is because he pitys you." Jeonghan said.

"No! That's not true!"

"Oh? Who wouldn't pity your pathetic little life? Getting kicked out at a young age for being gay. Having to deal with the backlash of being adopted. And most importantly, having to live your life in my shadow. You'll never be more than just Jeonghan's adopted little brother, remember that." Jeonghan said, noticing how Chan was looking down.

"Don't tell me you're gonna start crying! You're really that weak? I knew you were useless, but I at least thought you had somewhat of a backbone. Guess I was wrong." Jeonghan said with a chuckle.

Earning nothing from Chan, Jeonghan sighed and spoke again.

"Things would be some much better if you weren't here. Just think of how much happier everyone would be. Soonyoung wouldn't have to pity you, Jisoo wouldn't have to be bothered by you, and the family would be all about me again. But while you're still here, you're ruining everything." Jeonghan said, smiling at Chan mockingly.

"Later, slut." Jeonghan said before walking out of the room, leaving Chan with his thoughts.

He's right.

I'm known as Jeonghan's adopted little brother.

Soonyoung hyung just pities me because of how fucking pathetic I am.

Jisoo hyung only puts up with me to be nice. I bother him constantly, but he deals with it because he doesn't want to hurt me.

And then there's Jeonghan.

Ever since I was adopted, the family has been welcoming me with open arms.

And that pissed Jeonghan off since day 1.

Maybe everything would be better if I was gone.

Chan looked around the room, unable to blink back the teardrops escaping his eyes.

However, something in the room caught his eye.

A razor blade, just sitting on a shelf on the room.

What could go wrong?

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