][< T H I R T Y </> F I V E >][

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][ Wednesday: Week 3 ][

"UGH! At this point, I'll just die alone!" Seungcheol yelled while barging into Jisoo's house.

"Would it kill you to call first?! And I gave you the spare key for emergencies. Not so you can rant about your sad excuse of a love life." Jisoo said.

"THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! I'm doomed, Jisoo! Doomed to live a sad life. Doomed to be alone and single. I'll probably end up going to strip clubs regularly just so I can get laid." Seungcheol whined.

"First of all, you're attractive. I promise you will get laid. Second, just because Jeonghan dumped you does not mean the world is over." Jisoo said while rolling his eyes.

"Jeonghan was my world!" Seungcheol yelled.

"You're so dramatic!" Jisoo said.

"Also, us three have to give a speech to the WHOLE SCHOOL motivating them for the tests the scholarship students are taking. Headmistress sent the script to me, but we have to divide it up and whatnot." Seungcheol said.

"US THREE?! As in me, you, and Jeonghan? Oh we're so fucked." Jisoo said with a sigh.

"I can't. Headmistress loves Jeonghan. Maybe he can convince her to have someone else do the speech? Or just one of us." Seungcheol said.

"You know how she is. Once she asks something, there's no negotiating. And it's a 50/50 chance of Jeonghan convincing her even as her favorite." Jisoo said.

"So are we gonna work on this? We can't just wing it the day of because we have to memorize our parts of the scripts." Seungcheol said.

"Fuck. There's no way to get around this, then. I'll call Jeonghan. We can practice here." Jisoo said.

"I need a drink. You have anything?" Seungcheol asked.

"There's beer in the fridge." Jisoo said while getting his phone and calling Jeonghan.


"This is all bullshit. Why the hell do they need motivating? Getting kicked out of the school should be motivation enough." Jeonghan said.

"It doesn't matter what we think. The headmistress wants us to do this, so we will." Jisoo said.

They had been at this for about 20 minutes and things weren't exactly going the best.

Seungcheol hadn't said a word and was drinking himself silly, Jeonghan kept shitting on the fact that they even had to give this speech, and Jisoo was trying to handle the situation as calmly as possible.

"So are you just gonna drink the entire time or are you actually gonna do something? This is supposed to be a 3 person thing." Jeonghan said while rolling his eyes.

"You both can decide." Seungcheol said, taking another sip.

"He's right. We haven't even divided up the script. We give this speech on Monday. We need to memorize it and get our chemistry back on track." Jisoo said.

"Like I said, you both can split it up. I'll memorize." Seungcheol said.

Jeonghan rolled his eyes before pulling a flask out of his jacket and taking a sip of the alcohol inside it.

"So we're all just drinking now? Cool." Jisoo said sarcastically.


1 hour later, it was a hot mess.

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