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Eighteen, Nineteen


but back to the story-


][ Saturday: Week 1 ][

"Jun! You people suck at answering your phones!" Seokmin yelled while entering the house.

"His door was just unlocked like that?" Jisoo asked with a chuckle.

"Yup. He throws so many parties, the door basically stays unlocked. And from the looks of his house, there was one last night." Seokmin said, chuckling at the mess.

There were people EVERYWHERE.

Some were in normal places.

The couch, chairs, the table. Shit like that.

But then there were people laying on the stairs, someone was laying under a chair, another person had their head on a speaker, and there were people laying under and on top of other people in piles.

"Come with me. We can go to Jun's room." Seokmin said as the two made their way upstairs.

"Wake the fuck up!" Seokmin yelled, barging into Jun's room.

"OW! STOP YELLING!" Minghao yelled from the bed.

"Lee, I will destroy everything that makes you happy if you don't shut the hell up." Jun threatened, laying on the floor.

"You slept on the floor? Damn I guess you are a decent person." Seokmin said with a chuckle.

"Shut up. We'll be downstairs in a minute. Get the extra people out the house. Only let Wonwoo, Mingyu, Chan, and Soonyoung stay." Jun said, sitting up.

"Chan's here?!" Jisoo exclaimed.

"He's actually a chill dude. So is Soonyoung." Jun said.


30 minutes had passed, and everyone had finally been out of the house except the ones Jun requested.

Seokmin found Mingyu and Wonwoo sleeping in the bathtub, whereas Jisoo found Soonyoung and Chan sleeping on the kitchen counter- both cuddled up.

"That hangover sucks, doesn't it?" Jisoo asked Chan, the younger leaning on the male.

They were all gathered in the living room, and all but Jisoo and Seokmin were extremely hung over.

"I ordered a pizza for you idiots. And Jisoo made coffee. So eat and drink up." Seokmin said, pointing to what was laying on the table in the living room.

"Fuck, food was a bad idea." Soonyoung said while running to the bathroom to throw up.

"I've never gotten that drunk before." Chan whined, Jisoo soothingly rubbing circles on his back.

"So after yesterdays party, what if we hung out with Soonyoung and Chan more? They're both cool." Mingyu said.

"Yay!" Jisoo exclaimed, forgetting about the many hung over teenagers in the room.

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