][< F I F T Y </> N I N E >][

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"Babe, what do you think?" Minghao asked, currently going through his closet to find something to wear for the party.

Jun stayed silent.

He wished his parents had their plans cancelled so that he couldn't throw this party. He told literally no one except his friends about the party, and only like half of them were actually going.

So hopefully this party was a flop and him and Minghao could just watch movies and cuddle in bed.

That sounded so much better than a party right now.

Especially with the whole Mei situation.

"JUN!" Minghao yelled, Jun snapping out of his thoughts.

"Yes?" Jun asked.

"Are you okay? You seem out of it." Minghao said, going over to Jun.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Jun lied. "Uh...what were you asking me?" Jun asked, trying to change the subject.

Luckily it worked, because Minghao began rambling about the different outfits he was debating on wearing for the party.

"It's getting late...I knew I should've picked it out earlier." Minghao said, holding up outfits for Jun to choose.

"Maybe...try them on?" Jun said, unsure what was going on- but happy that Minghao was no longer asking him questions regarding his mood.

"Jun. You know exactly what to say. I'll be back in a bit!" Minghao said, running to go try the outfits on.

"Maybe I can have the cops shut it down." Jun considered with a chuckle.


"How does this look?" Jisoo asked.

"It looks-"

"-Like I take it up the ass. You're right." Jisoo shaking his head and putting the outfit.

"You do take it up the ass. So what's the problem?" Jeonghan asked, scrolling on his phone.

"I'm performing for little kids. I'd rather not look like a twink, Jeonghan." Jisoo said.

"Whatever. Why am I here? You can't ask your boyfriend?" Jeonghan asked.

"I could wear a trash bag and Seokmin would say I look hot- and then we'd end up fucking." Jisoo said with a sigh.

"I hate doing this." Jeonghan complained.

"What else do you have to do?" Jisoo asked.

"I could be getting bent over by Seungcheol right now. But instead, I'm here judging your mid ass outfits for an elementary school performance." Jeonghan said.

"Wow. You always have such nice things to say." Jisoo said sarcastically, scoffing and going to pick the next outfit.

"Ji, it's not a fashion show. No one gives a shit about what you wear. Just don't look like a stripper, and you'll be fine." Jeonghan said.

"You're really bad at this." Jisoo said with a sigh.

"Whatever! You wanted me here." Jeonghan teased, laying on Jisoo's bed.

"Wow. Just making yourself comfortable? Seokmin has fucked me on that bed, you know." Jisoo said, Jeonghan immediately getting up.

"I hate you so fucking much." Jeonghan said, Jisoo laughing.

"I love you too, Hannie." Jisoo said.

"Are you two done yet? I could be bending Jeonghan over right now." Seungcheol asked while entering the room, Seokmin behind him.

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