][< E I G H T Y </> E I G H T >][

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][ Saturday: Week 7 ][

"We investigated the address. Couldn't find anything. Sorry." Jeonghan's uncle said, obviously bluffing.

Bastard. I'll do it myself, then. Jeonghan thought, knowing damn well his uncle and his team didn't investigate shit.

"Fine. Let me know if there's any other leads." Jeonghan said.

That's it? I thought he'd be more difficult. Jeonghan's uncle thought.

"Okay. I will." Jeonghan's uncle said while leaving the house.

"Bummer. Guess we're back to square one." Seungcheol said with a sigh.

"Cheol. Promise you won't be mad at me." Jeonghan said.

"Oh lord. What did you do?" Seungcheol asked.

"I kinda umm...Seokmin tell him what we did." Jeonghan said, Seokmin flipping him off.

"We went to some abandoned shack thingy in the middle of the woods and saw the Yunseo guy and some other dude light a guy on fire." Seokmin said.

"YOU WHAT? First, why the fuck would you go and not tell me? What if Yunseo got ahold of you? I'd have no fucking idea. Second, THEY LIT A GUY ON FIRE?!" Seungcheol yelled, Seokmin nodding.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get mad, especially if the address was fake." Jeonghan said.

"So if that's where Yunseo is, Jisoo has to be there." Seungcheol said.

"Yeah. A-and I got proof of Yunseo being there, along with Jimin." Jeonghan said.

"Wait, Jimin? Your cousin? Like, Yoongi's ex?" Seungcheol asked.

"Yeah. I didn't see it coming either." Jeonghan said.

"So your uncle didn't inspect the place, I'm guessing." Seungcheol muttered.

"You know what, I tried being rational and shit. The cops don't want to do shit, so we'll handle this ourselves. Someone get Hansol- and Wonwoo. We're getting Jisoo out of there ourselves." Seungcheol said, Jeonghan's eyes widening.

"Wait, what?"

"That guy is a fucking psychopath. Jisoo's already been there taking who knows what kinds of abuse. And if the cops are on our dicks about doing this, oh well. Fuck them. I'll come up with a plan. But we need Hansol and Wonwoo." Seungcheol said.

"Got it. I'll call Hansol." Seokmin said. "And Wonwoo." He added.


"Junnie!" Mei exclaimed.

"Fuck off, Mei." Jun said while walking past her.

Only a little bit longer before he could put an end to this marriage.

Then he could finally, officially, be with Minghao.

"That's no way to talk to your future wife, Junnie." Mei said with a smirk.

Jun rolled his eyes before walking away.

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