][< S E V E N T Y </> F I V E >][

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"Oh thank god that stupid dinner was cancelled." Jisoo said with a sigh of relief.

He had no plans of going to the dinner anyways, but had just gotten a text from his parents that the dinner was no longer needed.

His mom had to take care of one of her richest patients in Busan, and his dad was going to Iksan for business as well.

"I should celebrate!...with no one." Jisoo said with a bitter chuckle.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan were busy....Seokmin dumped him...and Chan- he wasn't speaking to Chan.

"Fuck. I'm bored. What did I do before Seokmin? I think I....I would....I used to....oh my god. And I'm talking to myself like a crazy person outside a coffee shop." Jisoo muttered.

He was about to enter the coffee shop, when he saw something- more like SOMEONE(s) that caught him off guard.

At one of the tables was Lee Seokmin with his arm around some random girl Jisoo had never seen before.

"He replaced me that fast?" Jisoo muttered while quickly leaving the shop.

"I need more friends. I had 3 main friends...and a boyfriend. But half of them I can't talk to and the other half are probably making out or something!" Jisoo complained, deciding to go to a coffee shop that was only a few shops down.

What kind of person names their coffee shop 'Grind-House Coffee'? Jisoo wondered while standing outside the shop.

Grind-House Coffee.

What a dumb name for a coffee shop.


"HANSOL WHERE DID YOU GET THE WATER BOTTLE? I AM ONLY GOING TO ASK YOU ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME!" Jeonghan yelled, slamming the water down on the table in front of Hansol.

"Why the hell do you care?! And...why are you yelling at me?" Hansol asked.

"THAT doesn't matter. What matters is where you got this damn water bottle." Jeonghan said, Seungcheol glaring at him for his previous yelling.

"It doesn't matter. It's a damn water bottle." Hansol said.

"The water was spiked. We could call the cops and have you thrown in jail for drugging a minor. I heard you could get about 5 years for weed. I wonder what you'd get for...Cheol, what was in the water?" Jeonghan asked with an innocent smirk.

"According to our sources: 25% Meth, 30% Cocaine, 15% Ketamine, and 30% of an unknown drug." Seungcheol said, Hansol's eyes widening.

"I swear I didn't know! I wouldn't willingly drug Chan! I was just doing as I was told!" Hansol defended.

"Sure, I believe you. I'm sure Seungcheol does as well. But...would the police? If you got taken to court, would a judge or a jury believe you? I don't know. But if you tell us where you got the bottle, we'll make sure no one blames you. Including Chan and Jisoo." Jeonghan said.

"What does Jisoo have to do with anything?" Hansol said.

"Chan was DRUGGED and mad fucked up. And the drugs caused him to try to fuck Jisoo, basically. Seokmin saw, and now Seokmin and Jisoo are no more. Where the hell have you been?" Jeonghan asked.

"That's stupid. Who would drug someone just to ruin a high school relationship?" Hansol questioned.

"That's what we want to know. It could just be for a petty reason. But just in case, we want to make sure the person won't cause more harm to Chan or Jisoo. Not to mention drugging a minor with some dangerous shit is illegal and just fucked up." Seungcheol spoke up.

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