][< E I G H T Y </> T H R E E >][

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"Wonwoo, this marriage shit is stressing me out." Jun said, him and Wonwoo hanging out in his room.

"I bet." Wonwoo said with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Jun asked.

"I walked in on Mingyu making out with some girl yesterday. And he pretty much said that if I could do it, then he could too. I deserve it, so I'm really just being a pussy. But it still hurt." Wonwoo said, laying back on Jun's bed.

"Wonwoo, you have a chance with Mingyu. Let him cool off. If you still see a future with him, that is." Jun said.

"Then why don't you take your own advice and do that with Minghao?" Wonwoo asked, Jun sighing.

"What's the point? If it weren't for this marriage, I would. But there's no point in trying to get Minghao back. I'm gonna have to go back to China and marry Mei." Jun said.

"We'll get you out of this marriage, Jun. We just need something on Mei that'll make your parents end the marriage." Wonwoo said.

Just then, they heard Mei entering the house.

"Anybody here?!" She yelled.

"Fuck. Hide under my bed." Jun said as him and Wonwoo got under his bed.

"Junnie!" Mei exclaimed while barging into the room.

"Oh, he's not here. Thank god." Mei said while getting out her phone and dialing a number.

She put the phone on speaker and laid on Jun's bed.


"Hey babe."

"Oh hi! Is this a new number? I thought some random was calling me."

"Yeah. But anyways, the plan is almost complete. The Wen's are convinced that I'm great for their son."

"Jun doesn't want you, though?"

"So? His dumbass parents don't give a fuck."

"Mei, you really think this is gonna work? What if they figure it out?"

"Baby, don't be slow! The Wen's are loaded with money. I just have to take out a couple hundred from their account everyday. They haven't even noticed I've been taking the money."

"I don't see why you have to marry their son, though. Why not do this and then just dip? Move on to someone else."

"You're missing the point. Marrying Wen Junhui means I get to share his bank account. I'll have all the money I'll ever need- and more!"

"Whatever, Mei. Just don't get caught."

"I won't. The Wen's are too rich to notice. Plus they don't do their research. They know my father as a very successful and wealthy man."

"Isn't that what he is?"

"He was 10 years ago. He went bankrupt and started selling drugs. But they don't know that. And they never will."

"Whatever. I have shit to do. Bye, love you."

"Bye, love you too."

After hanging up the phone, Mei got up from Jun's bed.

"There's nothing to do here. They have this big ass house, but no entertainment. I fucking hate rich people." Mei said before walking out of the room.

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