][< F I F T Y </> S I X >][ 🔞

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"Channie~ Dance with me?" Soonyoung asked, them playing a song the two loved.

"Of course!" Chan said, smiling and going to join Soonyoung.

Soonyoung put his hands on Chan's waist, while the younger had his arms around the male's neck.

The two danced while smiling at each other.

"Chan...I love you." Soonyoung said, leaning in closer to Chan.

"Hyung...it's not right." Chan said, though he didn't back away.

Soonyoung pulled Chan closer to him, their lips only centimeters apart.

"Do you really not want me?" Soonyoung asked, moving his hand down onto Chan's ass and squeezing it lightly.

Chan blushed, smiling shyly at the older.

Soonyoung closed the gap between the two of them, the two smiling in the kiss.

Chan combed his fingers through the older's hair, the two completely oblivious to their surroundings.

The first to pull away was Soonyoung, smiling after.

"You're a great kisser, you know that?" Soonyoung asked, Chan chuckling.

"Whatever. I'm getting a drink." Chan said, Soonyoung putting his arm around him.

"Me too." Soonyoung said, kissing Chan on the cheek and walking with him to the bar.

They ordered a shit ton of drinks before going back to their table.

Soonyoung sat down, Chan beside him.

"Sit on my lap." Soonyoung said, Chan blushing.

"W-why?" Chan asked.

"Because I said." Chan immediately sitting on the older's lap.

"Baby, hand me my drink." Soonyoung said.

"You want me to move?" Chan asked.

"No way. I like you here." Soonyoung said, chugging his drink before handing it back to Chan.

"Are you trying to get drunk?" Chan asked with a chuckle, putting Soonyoung's empty drink down and grabbing his own.

Chan chugged it as well, then putting the drink down and running his fingers through Soonyoung's hair.

"Kiss me." Soonyoung said, putting his hands on Chan's ass.

"Wow. Did you just bring me here to make out?" Chan teased.

"No...we could do something else too." Soonyoung said, Chan kissing him eagerly.

It caught Soonyoung way off guard, but he enjoyed it.

Soonyoung broke the kiss and began trailing small love bites down what skin was exposed from Chan's neck.

"We're in the middle of a club." Chan said with a chuckle.

"You think I care? And it's not like I'm fucking you." Soonyoung said with a slight smirk.

"Yet." Chan said, Soonyoung pulling him in for another kiss.

Chan quietly moaned in the kiss, Soonyoung groping his ass with no mercy.

"Hyung~ Let's drink more." Chan said, pulling away from the kiss and turning to pick up his drink.

"Tease." Soonyoung said, Chan laughing and handing him a drink as well.


"It's so fucking stupid. Why should I have to marry anyone?" Jun asked, Wonwoo giggling and laying on the floor.

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