][< S I X T Y </> S E V E N >][

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][ Tuesday: Week 6 ][

"Okay, I'm here. What's the plan?" Jimin asked, currently at Yunseo's place.

"I officially have the plan. So listen up." Yunseo said, Jimin rolling his eyes and sitting on the couch.

"Alright. Shoot." Jimin said, Yunseo scoffing but beginning to explain.

"On Thursday, instead of giving Jeonghan the drink, we'll have Hansol give Chan the drink. It'll be "water" which you'll spike with a variety of drugs." Yunseo started.

"About that...how the hell am I supposed to get them?" Jimin asked, Yunseo rolling his eyes.

"Here. I know a bunch of guys from the mental hospital who supply this shit. Now can I continue?" Yunseo said, giving Jimin a list of addresses of people who sold the drugs needed for the drink.

"So Vernon gives Chan the drink. Then what?" Jimin asked.

"Hansol will be asking for help on a subject or some shit. Then he'll give Chan the water bottle before quickly excusing himself for the bathroom. The drink will cause Chan to act irrationally, and he'll basically try to fuck anything in his path. Jisoo." Yunseo said with a smirk.

"Okay? And?" Jimin asked.

"How fucking slow are you? That means Jisoo will overreact and stop hanging out with Chan. Jisoo's boyfriend will more than likely dump him, Jeonghan will be pissed, and Seungcheol, being the doormat he is, will go along with Jeonghan. Then boom! Jisoo is alone and a mess." Yunseo said.

"And that's when I'll step in. I'll meet up with him, and he'll do it because he'll have nothing to lose! Then I can finally sell that brat's body and make a shit ton of money!" Yunseo explained while laughing.

Jimin rolled his eyes while Yunseo was laughing.

It was a good plan and all, but what was in it for him?

"Okay, you get to make money off Jisoo. What does this have to do with me getting revenge on Jeonghan?" Jimin asked with a sigh.

Yunseo stopped laughing and rolled his eyes.

"You're so bothersome." Yunseo muttered.

"Jeonghan will be PISSED at Jisoo, but Jeonghan is anything but stupid. He'll figure out this whole plan eventually. Jeonghan will find us. I guarantee Hansol will snitch. So we'll just beat Jeonghan at his own game. I learned how to make tranquilizer guns from a friend in the mental hospital. The second he enters, we shoot him." Yunseo said.

"When he wakes up, I'll make a deal with him. He either sleeps with me or I'll kill Jisoo." Yunseo said while lighting a cigarette, Jimin gasping.

"Why make such an empty threat?! There's no way he'd fall for that! You said it yourself, Jeonghan is a fucking genius-" Jimin said, Yunseo shushing him.

"It won't be an empty threat. Jeonghan will know that. I can easily frame it to look like a suicide. Or hell, I can make it seem like Jeonghan killed that mistake." Yunseo said.

"What if Jeonghan says he'd rather Jisoo die?" Jimin asked.

"Jimin. He won't. Jeonghan is obsessed with that little shit. He wouldn't even dare say such a thing, even if he didn't mean it." Yunseo said.

"You sure do know a lot about them..." Jimin trailed.

"I'm friends with psychopaths. What do you expect?" Yunseo asked with a chuckle.

"Another question. Why does he have to sleep with you? Do you have a thing for little kids or something?" Jimin asked.

"Well, the kid had a MASSIVE glow up. And he's 18 anyway. But anyway, you'll take pictures of the whole thing, and I'll send them to Seungcheol. Then boom! Jeonghan's relationship is ruined. If you want more, do it yourself. This is me doing my part of the deal." Yunseo said while rolling his eyes.

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