][< S E V E N T Y </> S I X >][

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"Grind-House Coffee? That's a dumbass name." Jeonghan said with a chuckle.

"That's what I thought! And between us, the coffee isn't that good either." Hansol said as they stood in front of a shop.

But to their luck (not) it was closed.

"We should've known. What coffee shop is open this late?" Seungcheol said with a chuckle.

"No. That's why Yunseo likes this place so much. They stay open until 8 or 9pm." Hansol said.

"It's 8:59." Jeonghan said with a sigh.

"Sorry guys. Maybe I am overreacting. We can go now." Jeonghan said, walking away from the shop.

"It's fine. We get it. Jisoo wouldn't just leave us hanging like this normally." Hansol said.

"Guys...what's that?" Seungcheol asked as they got back to his car.

On top of the hood of Seungcheol's car were two objects.

Jeonghan immediately ran to see what they were.

"Guys...what the fuck is going on?" Jeonghan asked.

"What is it?" Hansol asked.

"An envelope with my name on it...and Jisoo's phone." Jeonghan said, the eyes of the others widening.

"Open the letter." Seungcheol said, looking around for any trace of a suspicious person.

Jeonghan quickly ripped open the envelope before reading the paper inside out loud.

Ah Jeonghan, you've grown up to be so wonderful

It's a shame these are our circumstances...and finally when you're no longer a minor ;)

I know you're worried about Jisoo, so I'll get to the point:

Sorry beautiful,

You've just missed him

We're having a brotherly reunion haha

But congratulations!

You caught on so quickly!

I'll be waiting for you, lovely

Jisoo has no doubt you'll find us- neither do I

The question is: when?

I know Hansol is with you guys (damn kid has no backbone) so just know that we've moved places :)

I wouldn't bring Hansol to my real place

And Hansol, you're gullible as ever...you should have believed what everyone told you about me

Anyways, hurry up Jeonghannie~

The more time you waste, the more Jisoo suffers, and the more money I earn

Let's have fun playing this game

- Hong Yunseo

"I told you guys he was sick! And now he has Jisoo!" Jeonghan yelled, freaking out.

"S-should we go to the police?" Hansol asked.

"Baby?" Seungcheol asked, them getting no response from Jeonghan.

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