][< S I X T Y </> F I V E >][

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No answer.

"Maybe he just didn't get to it in time. Or maybe he thought it was on accident." Mingyu said.

He called again.

No answer.

He texted.

Left on delivered.

"I was the one cheated on! Why am I being ignored?!" Mingyu whined.

"Mingyu? Are you okay?" His mother asked while coming in his room.

"H-huh? Yeah I'm fine." Mingyu said.

"Just making sure. Go to bed at a decent time, okay?" His mother said, Mingyu nodding as she left his room.

"Should I dm him? No! That's just desperate!" Mingyu said, laying on his bed.

"I'll just have to settle for stalking him on social media." Mingyu said while going to Wonwoo's Instagram.


"He hasn't posted once? Not even a depression post? Did this even affect him? Was I really that insignificant in his life?" Mingyu questioned, putting his phone down.

He sighed while getting up from his bed.

Maybe a quick stroll in the park wouldn't hurt.


"Son, this has to stop. You can't just lay around all day. Do something with your life." His father said.

Wonwoo simply laid there, blankly staring at the ceiling.

"I'm getting worried. Please do something. I don't know what happened. Please just show any kind of emotion. Cry, laugh, yell- something. Please." His step-mom begged.

What's the point of crying?

He did this to himself.

Not only did he ruin things for himself, but he ruined things for Jun.

And he ruined things for Minghao.

And because of that, Minghao was clearly treating Mingyu like shit.

He saw those calls. But he ignored them.

He refused to open the messages as well.

Mingyu deserved so much better.

Wonwoo still laid there, his face still emotionless.


"Why am I feeling weird about this? Like why didn't Jisoo tell me about the Chan and Soonyoung thing?" Seokmin questioned.

"I don't have a good feeling about it either. It's not even a you problem. It's just that Chan clearly doesn't give a shit about relationships. And Jisoo...he's just too nice to Chan. My advice is to spend every second of every day with Jisoo. Make sure he doesn't have any time with Chan- especially alone time." Jeonghan said.

"Yeah." Seokmin said.

"You know, you're a softie now. You used to be this huge badass who slept around and was a complete dick. But now you're with Hong Jisoo of all people." Jeonghan said with a chuckle.

"I know. It's crazy to me." Seokmin said, chuckling as well.

"We did it! Cheol helped me!" Jisoo said as they came into the room.

"Cool. I'm heading home, then." Seokmin said.

"Stay here. Cheol's parents are out. Might as well enjoy the house while you can." Jeonghan said.

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