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"Yes, Jeonghan?" Jisoo asked.

Jeonghan texted and asked to meet with him at nearby park.

"You're cheating." Jeonghan said with a smirk.

"And you're sleeping with my boyfriend. So what?" Jisoo asked, annoyed.

"Doesn't matter what Cheol and I do. We aren't supposed to be perfect, but you are." Jeonghan said with a mocking smile.

"What do you want?" Jisoo asked.

"Have fun during winter break. Because I'm gonna make school a living hell for you. Mark my words." Jeonghan said, smirking and walking away.

"Bitch." Jisoo muttered, walking away also.


"Jisoo!" His mother called when he walked through the door.

"Yes?" Jisoo asked while going over to her and his father.

"Your father and I have multiple events to attend and we have people to visit in LA. We will be gone for the entirety of your winter break. So keep Hansol out of trouble. Don't allow him to throw any parties here, and clean up after that animal of yours." His mother said, Jisoo nodding.

"Since we will be gone, none of the maids will be present. We expect much of you." Jisoo's father said.

"Okay. Thank you for trusting me." Jisoo said, his parents dismissing him to his room.

He walked up the stairs before going to his room.

"Why are you in here? You have a room." Jisoo said, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Yours is better." Hansol said with a shrug.

"Good news. My parents are gonna be in LA for the entire winter break. So we'll have the house to ourselves." Jisoo said, Hansol smirking.

"We HAVE to go crazy. I want to be introduced to your friends through a party. I'll bring the drugs and the drinks, you just have to provide the food and hospitality." Hansol said.

"Sounds like a deal. Pick a day and I'll tell Seokmin." Jisoo said.

"Yay! I'm inviting Boo over too, by the way." Hansol said.

"Yeah. I figured." Jisoo said with a chuckle.

"Okay! I'm gonna go plan. And see if you can make a group chat. Just in case stuff changes, we can tell everyone at once." Hansol said, Jisoo nodding.

"Thanks." Hansol said before leaving Jisoo's room and going to his own.

Jisoo smiled before getting out his phone.


My parents are gonna be gone the entire winter break...





Sol wants to throw a party

Me, you, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Minghao, Jun, Hansol, and Seungkwan

The two of us will bring everything




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