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"I know that you're upset, but I don't think either of you were right in this situation." Jeonghan said.

"How is it my fault? He's the one to blame." Jisoo said.

"He's insecure about Chan. You did sleep with him, and Chan still has a thing for you as far as we know. And after all, Seokmin was right. You were meeting with Chan. It wasn't anything like he thought, but you still didn't need to keep it a secret. If you would've just told him, nothing would've happened. Both of you shouldn't have let it escalate as much as it did." Jeonghan said.

"Maybe you have a point...but I don't have to tell him everything." Jisoo said.

"Jisoo, I've ruined plenty of my relationships because of stupid shit like this. I know what I'm talking about. Don't ruin a perfectly good relationship over something as small as this." Jeonghan said.

"I'll think about it." Jisoo said, Jeonghan sighing and nodding.

][ Wednesday: Week 5 ][

"Seokmin! Here's the test results. Congrats on passing. Barely." Jeonghan said while chuckling and handing Seokmin his graded papers.

"Thanks, man. Where's Jisoo? I want to apologize for last night. It wasn't my place. If he wants me to know something, he would've told me." Seokmin said.

"I think both of you are in the wrong, for the record. But he's in my office. Don't fuck on my desk or I'll kill you and your family." Jeonghan threatened.

"Thanks so much, Jeonghan!" Seokmin exclaimed while hugging the male.

"Get the hell off me! We aren't at that point!" Jeonghan complained, Seokmin breaking the hug with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry. I got excited. Thank you!" Seokmin said before running to Jeonghan's office.

Idiot. Jeonghan thought with a smile. But before he could have another thought, he felt a pair of arms around his waist.

"Hi, baby." Seungcheol whispered into Jeonghan's ear.

"You look like a complete badass, but you're really just a dork." Jeonghan said, unable to hide his smile.

"I love you~" Seungcheol said with a smile.

"A-all of a sudden?" Jeonghan asked.

"I say it all the time. What do you mean?" Seungcheol asked, Jeonghan turning to face him.

"Say it more often...and the pet-names." Jeonghan muttered, nuzzling his head into Seungcheol's chest and wrapping his arms around the male.


"Tell me you love me a lot...and call me baby more." Jeonghan said shyly.

"I never seen you this flustered around me." Seungcheol said, Jeonghan looking back up at him.

"Sorry." Jeonghan's heart had been pounding like crazy.

"I love it, though. I fucking love everything about you." Seungcheol said, kissing Jeonghan on the cheek.

"Cheol...I love you too." Jeonghan whispered, Seungcheol still hearing him.

"Oh my god! Does this mean what I think it does?!" Seungcheol asked, his excitement present on his face.

"If you're willing to take me back...I'd like to give us a second chance. Only if you're up for it." Jeonghan said.

"Yes! I won't let you go this time, alright? I plan to keep my word." Seungcheol said.

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