][< T W E N T Y </> E I G H T >][ ⚠️

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][ Tuesday: Week 2 ][


"Don't fucking talk to me." Hansol said harshly, confusing Seungkwan.

Seokmin had left because his family needed him for something.

"I'm sorry." Jisoo said, putting his head down and staring at the floor.

"The worst part of it is that you won't even admit it." Hansol said, scoffing.

"There's nothing to admit, I told you I felt sick." Jisoo lied, not wanting Hansol to go through what he went through 2 years ago.

][ 2 years ago ][

"She was right. My goal was to be no more than 115 pounds. (I don't know kg so sorry in advance) and I'm fucking 120." Jisoo said to himself.

He was in his parent's gym room, where the scale was located.

His parents were gone. Hansol was staying with them for half of summer vacation, but was out hanging with some people he had met.

"Why? I haven't eaten in two fucking days." Jisoo said, tears going down his face.

Jisoo looked at the gym equipment before sighing.

He took 3 of his weight loss pills before setting a 2 hour timer and working out.


"Jisoo!" Hansol said, running to his cousin who was passed out on the ground.

And he saw an empty bottle of weight loss pills next to Jisoo's head.

"Jisoo! Wake up! Come on!" Hansol said, searching for his phone.

He found it and immediately called 911.


"Where are his parents?" A nurse asked Hansol, who was waiting anxiously waiting outside of Jisoo's hospital room.

"His mom is in Japan for work, and his dad is in Ulsan for work also." Hansol answered.

"What's your relation to him?" The nurse asked.

"I'm his cousin on his mom's side." Hansol said.

"Has he shown signs of anything? Or does he behave unusually when it comes to weight?" The nurse asked.

"Well...he does pay a lot of attention to calories. Like, crazy attention. I've caught him lie about eating a few times, but I never thought much of it. He's been talking about losing weight, but I think his body is fine. And I've noticed him in the gym room a lot...with the scale. Oh my god. Is he okay?" Hansol panicked.

"We believe he has an eating disorder- anorexia nervosa to be exact." The nurse said.

][ Two weeks ][

"Fucking eat something! I can't believe this! You're fucking sick!" Jisoo's father yelled at him.

Jisoo was sitting at the table and crying because he refused to eat.

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