][< F O U R T Y </> N I N E >][

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][ Sunday: Week 4 ][

"Mingyu I'll be right back!" Wonwoo told his boyfriend, who was half asleep.

Mingyu hummed before drifting back off to sleep.

Jun had texted him asking to talk. So the two were gonna meet up at a nearby coffee shop.


"What? It's early and I could be spending this time with Mingyu." Wonwoo said while sitting next to Jun.

"I slept with Minghao last night." Jun said.

"Finally! How was it?" Wonwoo asked.

"Good...I just feel...weird. Like...it was rushed. He was the one who suggested it, but something just didn't feel right." Jun said with a sigh.

"Well, at least you did it. Is she back yet?" Wonwoo asked.

"I haven't talked to my parents. But she should be back. You don't think she'd show up at the school, right?" Jun asked.

"She's insane. I wouldn't put it past her. So be cautious." Wonwoo said, Jun leaning on his shoulder.

"What's up? Since when are we this...friendly?" Wonwoo asked with a chuckle.

"We've fucked." Jun said.

"You've fucked plenty of people and then ghosted them." Wonwoo said.

"Fine. You're the only person that knows about my crazy ex-girlfriend...and soon-to-be wife. I can't talk to anyone else about this. So I might as well get comfortable." Jun said with a smile.

"Whatever." Wonwoo said with a chuckle.


"What the fuck?" Jisoo questioned while waking up.

He was in bed and a phone was ringing, which caused him to wake in the first place.

It was Hansol's phone.

"Did I accidentally grab his phone last night?" Jisoo questioned while getting up.

I'll take him his phone after I freshen up. But where's Seokmin? Jisoo thought, shrugging it off and going to the bathroom to wash up.

After he finished, he grabbed Hansol's phone.

Jisoo turned the phone on to see what time it was, but...he was met with many texts and missed calls from a certain someone.


"Hansol what the fuck?!" Jisoo yelled while walking down the stairs and finding Hansol.

"What the hell?" Hansol questioned, Jisoo giving him his phone back.

"You're talking to Yunseo?!" Jisoo yelled.

"He was worried about you, Jisoo. I couldn't keep him in the dark. And he's my family too." Hansol said, Jisoo scoffing.

"So after everything, you went back to him?" Jisoo asked while rolling his eyes.

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