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][ Nearly two years ago ][

"Mingyu, stop being a pussy. This is the legendary summer party that the upperclassmen throw every year! Everyone is here!" Jun exclaimed.

"Come on, assholes. It's just another party." Seokmin said while rolling his eyes.

"I told you guys I'm grounded. If they find out that I snuck out-"

"Fine. Maybe we should let him go and just stay here by ourselves. What do you say?" Jun asked.

"No! Guys, we've been waiting for one of these since we first started high school. You'll be fine, Mingyu. And if not...at least it'll be worth it. Now come on." Seokmin said, the three of them walking inside the house.

"Seokmin! My favorite sophomore!" An upperclassman exclaimed as they made their way over to them.

"Asshat. I'm about to be a junior. You're literally out this bitch." Seokmin said with a chuckle.

"Yup. I'm sad to leave you. But I'm happy to be free from that hell hole!" The upperclassman exclaimed.

"Also, whose house is this? I don't think I've ever seen it. It's huge." Mingyu asked.

"Oh. Wonwoo! Come here!" The upperclassman yelled.

"What? How long will this last? My parents will be home at 7 tomorrow so-" Wonwoo said while going over to him, eyes glued to his phone.

"I'll help you clean up. I couldn't use my place. And I wasn't gonna NOT throw this party. Anyway, meet my favorite kids. They're your age." The upperclassman said, urging Wonwoo to look up from his phone.

"Jungkook, why can't I just go to my room?" Wonwoo complained.

"Ugh, make some friends, Wonwoo. I graduated this year, so I'm not gonna be able to cover you. And they're nice, so give them a chance, asshat." Jungkook said.

"Fine. Hi, I'm Wonwoo, and I live here." Wonwoo said, finally looking up from his phone.

As soon as he looked up, he locked eyes with Mingyu.

Holy shit. He's hot. Wonwoo thought.

Woah. He looks like a hell of a nerd, but he's hot. Nerds aren't even my type, but shit. Mingyu thought.

"Wonwoo? Wonwoo. Wonwoo!" Jungkook yelled.

"What? Don't you have other people to harass?"Wonwoo complained, snapping out of his daze with Mingyu.

"Whatever. This is Seokmin, this is Jun, and this is Mingyu. Guys, this is Wonwoo, my younger cousin." Jungkook introduced.

So his name is Mingyu. Interesting. Wonwoo thought.

"Jungkook's cousin is hot. I'd totally fuck him." Jun whispered.

"Tell me about it." Mingyu said.

"Yeah. He's not my type, though." Seokmin said while shrugging his shoulders.

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