][< T H I R T Y </> O N E >][

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A/n: Is it the summer? Yes. Am I also writing a Christmas chapter for the hell of it? Also yes. Consider this me being nice before shit goes down ;)

][ TIME SKIP Saturday: Week 2 ][

"Oh my god! It's Christmas Eve!" Jisoo exclaimed as the others entered his house.

"Hi, baby. Sorry for being late. Mina and her girlfriend were being annoying." Seokmin said while going over to his boyfriend.

"Don't sweat it." Jisoo said before Seokmin pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

"Ew!" Hansol yelled while walking down the stairs.

Seokmin pulled away, earning a slight whine from Jisoo.

"Hansol Vernon Chwe, I'm gonna kick your fucking ass." Jisoo threatened, his cousin laughing.

"Whatever. Asshole." Jisoo mumbled before putting Seokmin's arm around him.

"Who are we waiting for?" Mingyu asked from the kitchen.


"And Boo. He went out for something." Hansol said while sighing.

"Okay. We'll start when they get here." Jisoo said as him and Seokmin laid on the couch together.

"Where are Jun and Minghao?" Wonwoo asked.

"Making out somewhere." Seokmin said as Binna ran up to Jisoo.

"Hi!" Jisoo said as the dog laid on his lap.

"Binna, you're clingy. Luckily though, you're cute." Jisoo said, chuckling and rolling his eyes.

"She understands?" Hansol asked.

"Like I fucking know." Jisoo said, Hansol scoffing.

"Damn. I was just asking."

"And I was just answering."

"What crawled up your ass?"

"Bitch. Your mom." Jisoo said, Hansol gasping.

"MY MOM?!"

"WAIT WAIT WAIT! SHIT I FORGOT WE WERE COUSINS! NO! Plus no offense, but your mom isn't my type." Jisoo said.

"Really? Like I know she's my aunt, but like your mom is my type. And your dad. Like, it's no wonder you aren't ugly." Hansol said.

"Ha! And seriously? They really aren't attractive. You know who's hot? Aunt Sohyeon's boyfriend. He's like 19 dating a 35 year old woman. I'm curious how that happened." Jisoo said.

"Because you know how she likes them." Hansol said with a chuckle.

"Remember that time she brought a 16 year old to a family gathering?" Jisoo asked.

"Yeah! Like if you're gonna date younger, at least have it legal." Hansol said, the two of them laughing.

"Hi! I'm back! Sorry I'm late!" Seungkwan said walking into the house, texting someone on his phone.

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