][< E L E V E N >][ ⚠️

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"Soonyoung, do you know where Chan went? I called him, but he didn't answer." Jisoo asked as Soonyoung walked up to the lunch table.

"I was just coming to ask you the same. Jeonghan asked him to follow him. And that was the last I saw him." Soonyoung explained.

"Oh shi- I'll be back. Wonwoo you have bandages, right?" Jisoo asked, Wonwoo nodding and throwing him a bandage wrap.

"I'll go get him." Soonyoung slightly grabbed the male's wrist before he could walk away.

"I want to go. What happened? Why do you have bandages?" Soonyoung asked.

"Chan would kill me. If he wants you to know, he'll tell you. It's not my place to meddle. I'm sorry." Jisoo said, taking Soonyoung's hand off him and walking away.


"Calm down. Put it down, please." Jisoo said.

Chan had the razor blade pressed against his wrist, and was full on crying. He has already cut the sides of his arms, but his wrists had yet to be slit.

"STOP! STOP PRETENDING TO CARE! NO ONE DOES!" Chan yelled, more tears escaping his eyes.

"Channie. That's not true. I love you more than you could ever imagine. You're a little brother to me." Jisoo said, slowly walking over to Chan.

"I-it hurts. It hurts being here." Chan said with a whimper.

"I know, Channie. I'm sorry. But I promise to help you get through it as much I can. Not just me- Soonyoung as well. He loves you, its painfully obvious. But he also cares about you as a person." Jisoo said, sitting down on the floor next to Chan.

"Y-you're lying. YOU'RE LYING!" Chan yelled, moving the blade away from his wrist but moving it to the side of his arm.

He was about to slide the blade across his arm, but was distracted by a gentle hand on his.

"Please don't." Chan noticed that the older's eyes were glossy.

"Hyung?" Jisoo took the razor blade from the younger and placed it away from them.

"I love you, Chan. Please never forget that. You can always come and tell me anything about how you feel. Please don't hurt yourself." Jisoo said, pulling Chan in for a hug.

"I'm sorry." Chan said, crying into Jisoo's shoulder.

"Don't be. I just want you to be okay." Jisoo said, wiping the tears away from Chan's eyes.

"I'll help you with your arms. And I have a long sleeved shirt on. You can wear it. I'll get something from someone else." Jisoo said, getting the bandages and tending to Chan's cuts.

It hurt him to see the damage that Chan had caused himself. There were old scars, along with fresh cuts all across both his arms.

"Sorry you had to see me like this."

"I'm always here for you. At your best and at your worst." Jisoo said, showing Chan a smile.

"Thank you for always being here. And for not telling anyone." Chan said.

"It's not my place. But just know that if you come close to dying, I'm not gonna standby and lose you." Jisoo said.

"I love you, hyung." Chan said, more tears forming in his eyes.

"I love you too. But please don't cry, Channie." Jisoo said, wiping the male's tears.

"I'm sorry. You just- I don't deserve someone like you, hyung." Chan said, hugging the older male.

"We need each other, Channie. No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you. And I'll take you in with open arms. Remember that." Jisoo said, playing with the younger's hair.

"Thank you."


"Why did you give the kid your shirt? And you have a boyfriend, so why do you need my hoodie?" Seokmin asked.

The two were in Jisoo's prefect room, because Jisoo had asked for Seokmin's hoodie.

"I love Chan. He needed it, so I gave it to him." Jisoo said.

"Why not ask that dick bag?" Seokmin asked.

"Seungcheol hardly wears hoodies at school. And if he does, I'm not allowed anywhere near them." Jisoo said.

"Damn. I'm bitching, but you're always welcome to my hoodies. Seungcheol is robbing you of the whole boyfriend experience. Me on the other hand..." Seokmin trailed.

"Shut up. You're ridiculous." Jisoo said while playfully rolling his eyes.

"I mean...I wasn't joking." Seokmin said, Jisoo's eyes widening.

"I'm into you- like a lot. But I know you have a boyfriend. Though part of me thinks you feel the same." Seokmin said, walking over to Jisoo and gently grabbing his chin.

"S-seokmin, you know if people found out-"

"I'm not asking about people. I'm asking if you feel the same." Seokmin said, making it so his and Jisoo's faces were only inches apart.

"I do, but I shouldn't."

"Well lucky for you, I can keep a secret." Seokmin said before closing the gap between him and Jisoo.

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