][< S E V E N T Y </> S E V E N >][

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][ Sunday: Week 6 ][

"Damn, Cheol. Get off me." Jeonghan said, waking up the male who was asleep on top of him.

"Tired." Seungcheol muttered.

"I'm hungry." Jeonghan said.

Seungcheol sighed but rolled off Jeonghan, falling back asleep soon after.

Jeonghan chuckled before getting out of his bed and grabbing his phone.

"It's 4 in the morning...damn." Jeonghan said while putting his phone down and walking to the kitchen.

However, he was surprised to see Chan already there.

"What's up with you? Have you slept?" Jeonghan asked.

"No. Can't sleep too well lately." Chan answered.

"Why?" Jeonghan asked, going to the cabinet to get some ramen he could make quickly.

"Stress. And just being really pissed off at myself." Chan said with a sigh.

"Don't beat yourself up. It already happened. Jisoo will come around...we just have to find him first." Jeonghan said, muttering his last sentence.

"I know it happened already...but I still feel like a terrible person. I'm a homewrecker. Soonyoung hyung and Jihoon hyung could've still been together if not for me. Same with Jisoo hyung and Seokmin hyung. They really cared about each other, but I ruined it. Like I do everything." Chan said.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't know what else to tell you. If Soonyoung was so in love with Jihoon, he wouldn't have slept with you in the first place. It was consensual, right? So he's very much at fault too. And you were drugged with Jisoo...not to mention there had been stuff leading up to that. But a lot of it wasn't your fault, Chan. Though for future reference, maybe don't fuck around with people's boyfriends." Jeonghan said with a chuckle.

"Thank you. You feel like my real big brother right now. I don't know what happened that made you stop hating me, but I'm glad it did." Chan said with a smile.

"Yeah, whatever. What's happening with the whole Soonyoung thing, anyways? Are you two just ignoring each other?" Jeonghan asked.

"Yup. He wants nothing to do with me. I'm thinking of leaving the dance team. I don't want to make things uncomfortable for him." Chan said.

"No! Chan, you fucking love dancing. Who the fuck cares if things are uncomfortable? You want to win this year's competition, don't you? Just picture it. They'll announce you as the co-head dance captain of the winning team. Then you'll become the head dance captain next year. And you'll bring the team to victory before you graduate. Plus that looks great when applying to that arts college you want to get into. Even I know that's your dream." Jeonghan said, stopping for a brief second to pour hot water into his ramen.

"I promise that you'll regret it. So stay on the fucking dance team. Fuck if Soonyoung likes it or not. At the end of the day, this is your dream. Don't let someone ruin that." Jeonghan said, hitting Chan on the shoulder.

"Wow, hyung. You're kinda wise. But okay. I'll stay in the dance team. You're right. Thanks, Jeonghan hyung." Chan said.

"Of course. Now go to bed. You shouldn't be up this late." Jeonghan said, grabbing his now done ramen.

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