][< F O R T Y </> T H R E E >][

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][ Thursday: Week 4 ][

"You're such an idiot!" Jisoo whisper-yelled.

"I didn't think he would do that!" Seungcheol whined, hugging Jisoo tightly.

"You shouldn't have ignored me! I told you to get over him!" Jisoo said.

"I can't!" Seungcheol whined, the others approaching them.

They were currently in the prefect common room.

"What now? He's probably gonna pretend nothing ever happened. What about you?" Seungcheol asked.

"There's no point anymore. He really doesn't feel shit for me." Seungcheol said, Jeonghan walking into the room.

"Oh? Cheol you wanna go get something to ea-" Jeonghan said before being cut off.

"I'm busy." Seungcheol said harshly.

"What the hell is up with you?" Jeonghan asked.

Seungcheol simply scoffed before leaving the room.

"Jeonghan. Why are you so fucking insane?! I can't be dealing with this shit 24/7!" Jisoo yelled.

"Seungcheol deserves better than me. I got to enjoy a night with him one last time before making him lose interest in me. He's upset, he might even start hating me now." Jeonghan said with a bitter chuckle.

"How fucking clueless are you? Telling him afterwards that you only slept with him to get over him is so fucked up! He's a mess and it'll probably only get worse!" Jisoo yelled.

"I love him. But he doesn't deserve someone as fucked up as me. Do me a favor. Help him find someone nice." Jeonghan said with a pained smile.

"Hannie...he loves you. It doesn't matter as long as you're willing to change and work through it." Jisoo said.

"But what if I'm not?! I've accepted that I'll always be like this. Seungcheol doesn't deserve that. He deserves someone who can make him happy. And who can show him the love he deserves. I can't do any of those things." Jeonghan said.

"Jeonghan..." Jisoo trailed, not really knowing how to help his best friend.

"Whatever. Don't say anything. As my best friend, you should respect my wishes to keep things like this." Jeonghan said.

"Fine." Jisoo said with a sigh.

"Thanks." Jeonghan said while leaving the prefect room.


"It feels like he broke up with me all over again." Seungcheol said, eating from a large tub of ice cream he bought himself.

UGH I hate this! I want Seungcheol to stay away from Jeonghan so that he can find his own happiness. But I also want Seungcheol to go with Jeonghan so Jeonghan can be happy. Being middle man sucks. Jisoo thought.


"Huh? Oh yeah. Do you need anything?" Jisoo asked.

"No. I'm gonna text that girl you were telling me about. Not like I have anything else to do." Seungcheol said while sniffling and getting out his phone.

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